Hacking the Tower
Open call for crypto-art to be projected onto the Daniels and Fisher Tower in the context of ETHDenver 2020.
Deadline for Art Submissions: January 25 2020
As part of the Denver Theatre District’s Night Lights Denver Program, artists from the #ArtProject Decentralized community, and the general blockchain space, are invited to submit their video art, and images in motion to be projected onto the clock tower in downtown Denver. A compilation of the selected artworks will be projected at night hours during the ETHDenver week, February 10-16, 2020. Hours will be announced after the selection results are published.
Submission Guidelines
Theme — Hacking the Tower
- Hacking, encryption, decentralization, smart contracts, open source code, interoperability, and blockchain technology.
- Content can be any video or moving image that is appropriate for ALL AUDIENCES.
- You may incorporate the windows as wall surface, nevertheless we encourage submissions to integrate with the structural qualities of the building. Remember, this is a video-mapping projection. Take advantage of it!
Length of Content
- We will accept pieces of art from 30-seconds up to 5-minutes in length. Please propose video lengths that make sense for your artwork. We may request edits to length.
- Ideally work at a slower speed works better (fast movement doesn’t work well at this scale).
- Recommend clips under 5 minutes in total, with 2.5 mins being a sweet spot.
Mapping Mask:
- The mask is a guideline for you to size your work and consider the location of the windows. It does not need to be embedded in your video.
- Find it in PDF and .Ai format here:
IMPORTANT — Please send the files in exactly the same layout as the mask. The video system will automatically rotate the content 90-degrees.
Projection Specs:
We are using ten (10) 21,000 lumen laser projectors made by Digital Projection, Inc, with five (5) each covering the top and bottom of the Tower. The playback software & media server is Analog Way’s Picturall Pro.
- Working Resolution: 3438 x 1080
- Estimated Projection Area: 40’W x 140’T, approx. 56,000 sq. ft.
- The LED lights above the projection area are NOT able to be coordinated with your art
Submission Format Expectations:
- Resolution: 3438 x 1080
- Codec: HAP-Q or H.264
- Container: .mp4
- Frame rate: 60fps (optional, can be less or more dependent on art)
- Compression: Please send files with little or no compression
Please submit a title card with the information you want to share in regards to your submitted work. Credits will run at the end of the compilation.
- Your work cannot contain logos, branding, or promotional elements. Your work may display the Ethereum or Bitcoin symbols so long as they are used artistically and as creative elements, not as a call-to-action or advertisement.
- Videos will be silent, as we have no audio playback at this time.
- Sexually explicit, violent, or inappropriate content for all ages will not be considered.
Ready to Submit?
- Join the #ArtProject Decentralized Community on Telegram HERE.
- Make sure your submission follows the checklist on Submission Format Expectations above.
- Upload your horizontal masked video to Wetransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive, or the service of your preference.
- Using the title HACKING THE TOWER, email 1) The link to your submission video, and 2) Your tile card or credits information to before January 25, 2020.
Please contact us anytime by reaching out to jessica@ethdenver.
What is Night Lights Denver, the program willing to host this content? Night Lights Denver (NLD) is a permanent projection mapping installation from the Denver Theatre District (DTD) to support innovative artists with an experimental platform, featuring content that rotates on a monthly basis, designed by artists and our local community.
NLD currently projects artistic, civic, and creative content on the Arapahoe Street-facing side of the historic Daniels and Fisher Tower, also known as the D&F Tower. All of NLD’s programming is free and open to the public, and they are not allowed to do ANY advertising on the Tower. As they hope to expand with more locations, this installation is subtitled “The People’s Projector.”
What is ETHDenver?
ETHDenver is the world’s largest annual web3 #BUIDLathon and Community Gathering. The 2020 event will take place February 14–16 in Denver, Colorado and expects to host 2000+ blockchain enthusiasts, developers and community members from 50 countries and 50 U.S. states. The ETHDenver #BUIDLathon is about bringing together like minds around a common purpose. Distributed computing is the future, and Colorado is a leading community supporting this emerging technology. ETHDenver is about empowering participants to shape this new world, while cementing the Rocky Mountain region and the State of Colorado as a thriving hub of blockchain innovation. Visit for more information.
What is the #ArtProject Decentralized Community?
The #ArtProject Decentralized community is born after the necessity to interact with people from different fields to explore the convergence between art and blockchains, enabling unexpected connections that result in prosperous collaborations. The Dogethereum bridge #ArtProject was the launching pad for this community, and the window for new generations of projects to come. The community lives on a Telegram channel and members sporadically meet physically to experiment at the #ArtProject MakerSpace series. Join us HERE!