Watch Me Rise

A poem

Ann Marie Steele


(The Goddess Venus being birthed) by lowball-jack from iStock

Watch as my clouds of slumber stir, casting a blushing hue upon awakening — dreams still lucid — desires unfiltered and raw

Stay still as I lay tangled in the soft sheets shielding my bare skin from the steely blues and icy silvers enveloping the night’s moon

Wait, just wait, before you slide off the plush white comforter — that wall between us — notice the glow flickering through its cracks, illuminating our path

Linger there, as you accidentally brush your fingers across my hips, if just for a breath — make my pulse flutter as my desire drips with gold

Note my silhouette — observe my curves, worship my perfections, gently kiss my imperfections, carefully stroke my insecurities

see me, feel me*

Watch me rise — like Venus emerged naked from the sea — but me, your goddess, from our bed — yes, imagine that’s me, awaiting your devotion

Don’t let our day begin — no, not just yet

Revel in my scent, brush your lips across my delicate neck, unravel my hair, tangled from sleep — imagine what lies beneath when you brush my messy curls aside

Look in my eyes, deep, and discover the images I am etching on your canvas on this perfect morn’



Ann Marie Steele

I write about love and loss, what I observe and experience — I write about hope. My writing has been described as resiliently defiant.