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Arts and Africa
Africa's electronic journal
Note from the editor

“A new journal needs a reason to exist: a gap that earlier journals failed to fill, a new form of pleasure, a new kind of writing, an alliance with a new or under-chronicled social movement, a constellation of authors for whom the future demand for work exceeds present supply, a program that will actually change some small part of some literary readers’ tastes” — Professor Stephen Burt. This aptly described the goals of Arts and Africa at its inception now, Arts and Africa is a journal for chronicling African experiences as well as many more experiences. Send us the things you’ve created: editor@artsandafrica.com. We want to read from you.

Go to the profile of Afopefoluwa Ojo
Go to the profile of Arts And Africa
Arts And Africa
Africa’s electronic journal.
Go to the profile of sugar
woke sisi but you can call me sweet things.