
Arts And Africa
Arts and Africa
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

We are open to submissions all year round. We are interested in your poetry, fiction, art, reviews, interviews, and nonfiction.

Here are a few things to note about the submission process:

We only publish original material. We do not accept a piece that has been previously published on web or in print.

You are allowed to simultaneously submit your work, but kindly let us know when your work has been accepted elsewhere.

For flash fiction, the maximum length is 1,500 words.

The word count for fiction and non-fiction is between 2,500–6,000 words.

Please submit only one complete story or essay, or up to three poems at a time. Multiple submissions will not be read.

All submissions should be made to and addressed: Dear Editor.

Please include a brief cover letter in the body of your email stating a brief summary of your work and a short bio. Tell us something interesting about yourself. You may attach a feature image if applicable and credit the source..

Please use double-spacing, Times New Roman and size 12 font.

Include the word count, the title of your work, your name and email address in the first page of your work.

We do not accept unsolicited book manuscripts.

Please only submit work written in English.

We try to reply all submissions within three months. If you do not hear from us when three months elapses, kindly send us a reminder email.

We encourage all who submit that they read our work, as well as work published in the New Yorker, Saraba Magazine, Enkare Review, Granta and Long reads, to familiarize themselves with the kind of material and quality of work we publish.

We want to read from you! Yes, you!

