Archive of stories published by Arts and Technology

Adam Donovan on pyschoacoustics

Stefanie Wuschitz speaks to hybrid media artist Adam Donovan on his experimental work with sound. This

Wizard on the MagicShifter and Open Hardware

Stefanie Wuschitz speaks to Philipp Tiefenbacher aka Wizard about his work in developing the open source hardware project MagicShifter and the Vienna hackerspace Metalab.

Michael Zeltner on art and activism

Stefanie Wuschitz speaks to Michael Zeltner for the Open Hardware Europe Summit and the Coded Cultures: Openism festival that happened in Vienna on May 19, 2016.

Thanks for having the time for the interview.

Justin Downs on open hardware

Stefanie Wuschitz speaks to anthroengineer Justin Downs, founder of IEF R&D, about open hardware and

These were the top 10 stories published by Arts and Technology; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017.