A Tale of Unexpected Friendship šŸ‘«

ARTS oā€™ Magazine August Writers Celebration Month Contest / Challenge!

Saima Saleem
3 min readAug 11, 2023


In response to Writing Prompt

Aug 10. HELPED are those who love others usplit off from their faults; to them will be given the clarity of vision.

Saima Saleem


If yes,

Then this story is a treat for youāœØ

Iā€™ve constantly aspired to be a solopreneur, and diving into the world of freelancing and remote work has always been my ambition.

Yet, thereā€™s been a nagging concern that this path might isolate me and might lead to solitude, without the comforting presence of friends or a support system.

but guess what

The truth didnā€™t match my preconceived notion,


Iā€™ve made a valuable friend here on MediumāœØ

Photo by Briana Tozour on Unsplash

Universe has always a way of bringing unexpected friendships into our journey.

I was simply enjoying and appreciating the content created by a girl and didnā€™t know it would evolve into a lifelong connection.

Both of us knew that we share the same vibes, and we immediately formed a deep and meaningful bond.

Since the Medium does not give messaging option,

I sent her a note and then she replied and somehow she managed to get my email address,

I was glad to receive her email, a friendly email, not a formal business or project-related one.

We agreed to communicate via LinkedIn but there was some glitch that took us a day to resolve.


We managed to establish a connection on LinkedIn and Twitter āœØ

We started sharing our writing journey, discussing growth opportunities, life stories, and whatnot.

Within just a few days,

She became a beacon of motivation, generously offering assistance and radiating positivity every day, and illuminated a path of optimism and good vibes āœØ

Photo by Jan Valečka on Unsplash

Lifeā€™s twists and turns bring us the beautiful surprise of unexpected friendships, that add vibrant colours to our lives āœØ

Encountering kind people who selflessly offer support, expecting nothing in return, is rare. When you discover these exceptional souls cherish and value them, for they are truly precious āœØ

Marlenny Linda De La Cruz šŸŽ¶šŸŽµšŸŽ¼šŸŽ§

This friendship is something Iā€™ll always treasure āœØ

Saima Saleem

Letā€™s Connect


We are dedicated to Locally Expanding the Global Arts Community

Ā© Indirah Ambrose
Ā© AIR Artist in Residence


Thank you for reading and supporting Arts oā€™ Magazine. We publish Monday ā€” Friday at (9:00am EST)

