Bilingual Poem: 《119. Reunion on Qixi • 重逢在七夕》

Eric S. Shi 舍予
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2024


“019. Reunion on Qixi”

Across the vastness of earth and sky,
Wind and Cloud reconnect,
Under Qixi’s starlight and moon’s eye.

Their own book of poetry,
Overflowing with their whispered words.

Willows’ memories of early springs,
And sighs,
Dwelling on autumn’s fallen leaves.

Heartaches tossed by summer rains,
And fire dances,
In the chilling winters, with delight.

Yet Wind and Cloud must part,
Waters under the magpie bridge glide,
With echoes of silence and wistful regret.

Tears of the Wind and Cloud,
Fall softly,
Into a delicate drizzle, veiling the cosmos.


As time rewinds to the moment when Wind and Cloud were about to part again after the short reunion, have their tears, veiling the cosmos, revealed to us the transient beauty in our own relationships?

Note for non-Chinese speaking readers:



Eric S. Shi 舍予

Founder of the ES&AG AI Art Studio; built AI bots (ESAG, ESNA, ESMC), running the AI Art Studio with these bots; an artist; a poet; with Ph.D. (USA), MBA (UK).