From the Ugly Duckling to the Beautiful Swan

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!

MLinda Writes


From the ugly duckling to the beautiful swan

Gazing in the mirror at times

leaves you perplexed

when did this ugly duckling

grow into a beautiful swan?

For all your life, you were told you were ugly

the problem was you believed it

Finding true beauty comes from within

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

You were always a beautiful swan

which was why you did not belong

You now stand out in the crowd

helping others shine through and stand strong

Storytime! I was that ugly duckling. I only had my first real boyfriend when I was 18 (my oldest son's father). I did not go to my prom or any major life things regarding couples because I was always singled out.

I hated high school with a passion!!!!!

Now…waking up at 32, life feels like a blur because the attention and compliments overwhelm me. I feel like I’m in a movie, and I’m the IT girl; it’s sometimes weird. (I’m very shy!)

When I started to shine from the inside, my beauty started spreading to the world with all the kind deeds I was doing.

There is beauty to be found in everything. Looking in the mirror, I see a resilient, radiant, happy woman, a proud mother (and cat momma) ready to save the world.

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~Marlenny Linda writes, free yourself 💚

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MLinda Writes

I am a self-improvement blogger who helps moms and families of children with disabilities improve their lives with creative techniques.