Opera: My Soulful and Serene Journey


A Williams


Most people would never know that I have a deep and intimate relationship with Opera. Most people that I know don’t listen to it at all. They know what it is when they hear it. They’ve heard it in an occassional movie or commercial, but they don’t take the time to indulge in the beauty that it offers both musically and theraputically. Let’s talk about the beauty of Opera. Now, before you start thinking, “Wait a minute, isn’t opera for old people?” is for everyone. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. I absolutely adore this incredible art form.

Kennedy Center Honors Interview ©Leontyne Price

Let me take you back and share how I got hooked on opera in the first place. It all started when I discovered the legendary opera artist, Leontyne Price. Her voice was like pure magic, commanding the stage with confidence and grace. I couldn’t help but be drawn into this world that she inhabited — a world where music and storytelling collided in the most captivating way. That’s when it hit me: opera is about more than simply the music; it’s about something deeper, something that nourishes my soul and give me a sense of serenity that is similiar to the way I feel when I look out at a lake or the ocean.

Opera is more than just a symphony. It’s a fully immersive event that combines music, a drama story, costumes, and performances that will take your breath away. When I go into that opera house, I feel like I’m entering a different world where my emotions flow strong and every note strikes a chord within me. It’s the Whole Foods of music for me. Opera is more than a symphony. It’s an experience. . .a prayer.

The opulence of the stage as rise of the curtain rises with the live orchestra filling the air, I’m literally transported. And then, right before your eyes, those incredible artists step onto the stage, pouring their hearts out through their voices. They bring characters to life with such intensity and emotion that it’s impossible not to be moved, it doesn’t matter who you are and what your previous experiences have been. Opera will touch your soul.

I take pride in knowing that opera has been a platform for many talented artists. I’m so grateful to have learned about legends like Leontyne Price and Marian Anderson, who broke down barriers and shattered expectations around who opera is for . Today opera is relatable to people from all walks of life.

It isn’t just about the spectacle or the emotions it bring about. It’s also about finding peace within its melodies.

When you listen to a moving aria or a harmonic chorus, it’s as if the world slows down and you’re enveloped in a tranquil bubble of music. The music wipes away the stress of my day and helps me find peace.

Step away from any preconceived notions or assumptions regarding opera. Attend a concert, listen to a CD, or immerse yourself in the works of opera performers who have made an everlasting influence on the genre. You will find yourself swept away to a world of beauty and passion. It will touch your spirit and give you a sense of wholeness.

Opera isn’t just for old stuffed shirts. It’s for anyone who craves a deep connection with music and storytelling. It’s for those of us who seek something extraordinary on special occassions or on crowded car rides home from work. Opera is something that resonates within my heart and brings me peace. I invite you to explore opera and discover the joy it can bring to your soul.

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A Williams

Creative SoulChild!!! Art, Film, Music, Broadcasting. You name it. I love it!