Review Vlog Studio
4 min readMar 13, 2023

DON’T EVEN DOWNLOAD THIS APP, and we’ll tell you why…

Firstly, the app doesn’t read a pdf in the order that things are written. It skips words and sections and spells out letter by letter, words that are clearly words... which was the original reason that our team lead decided to cancel the 3 day trial membership. The app should still be in BETA Testing mode, certainly not being sold for $139 US for an annual subscription.

Our bigger problem is the scam-like difficulty that has been encountered to cancel the trial subscription to the app downloaded on the Google Play Store. Why can’t you cancel the same way you would cancel any other app downloaded in the Google Play Store? It literally had our very tech-savvy lead, confused and anxious about which email account had been used to sign up. Jumping through scam-like hoops to cancel. Why can’t you cancel in the app? Why can’t you cancel in the Google Play Store where it was downloaded? Why can’t you cancel in PayPal where the subscription is listed? We’re calling fraud behavior to make it difficult and confusing to cancel.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Why isn’t subscriber account information clearly listed in the app? Why did our lead have to go back and find the original welcome email in order to confirm the email that was associated with the Speechify account. Confusing because the PayPal email was different from the email that was associated with the acount and once again, canceling on PayPal or the Google Play Store were not options. This app wasn’t even listed as an app they were subscribed to in the Google Play Store or anywhere on Google.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

The most important, and the most alarming issue is that this app is advertised to the visually impaired, blind, senior, and special needs community. THEY ARE PREYING ON BLIND PEOPLE!!!! THEY ARE PREYING ON THE ELDERLY!!! THEY ARE PREYING ON PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS!!!

Photo by Beth Macdonald on Unsplash

To be honest with you, our team lead was using the app to help with multi-tasking. Reviewing this app was not on the planned review list for this year at all. But outrage is the only accurate emotion to describe this organic encounter as a Speechify user. We all have people with special needs that we love and care for. No one should have to jump through hoops to cancel a subscription to a time sensitive trial, ESPECIALLY NOT THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED, EMOTIONALLY STRAINED, OR FINANCIALLY STRETCHED SENIORS!! Speechify’s leadership should be ashamed of themselves. After downloading hundreds of apps throughout our lives, this is the first time experiencing this. In order to cancel, Speechify’s app guides the subscriber out of the app and over to their desktop site, where they have to log in to the account that was used to create the account, which is not listed in the app, type in their password and submit a cancelation request that is not immediately verified on screen. You need to go back to your email account to confirm that you have received an email canceling the account, unheard-of in 2023. Way below the market standard or norm, and we’ll say it again, legitimately confusing for a tech-savvy person, so you can only imagine what that experience must be like for some who can not see what is going on. SHAME ON YOU SPEECHIFY!

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

After deleting the app, our lead remembered that in order to read some docs, Speechify had been granted access to the email’s Google Drive, so off we go to Google Drive to see that canceling the app did not cancel their full and unadulterated access to all of the contents of the subscribers Google Drive, not only is this able to read your docs to you, when you use your Google Drive to retrieve a document it gives the app FULL AUTHORITY to delete the contents within your Drive in its entirety. Why does an app that’s just supposed to be reading a document to me need full authority over my Google account? Literally full authority. This My Friend, is why we here at REVIEW VLOG, STRONGLY ADVISE YOU NOT TO DOWNLOAD THIS APP AT ALL. It doesn’t work well. It has a lot of glitches that still need to be corrected, and quite frankly, their policies are questionable to downright unscrupulous. USER/ BUYER BEWARE! BE SURE TO READ THE BAD REVIEWS THAT ARE BURIED UNDER THEIR QUESTIONABLE FOUR STAR RATING.

Courtesy of REVIEW VLOG



Review Vlog Studio

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