Sweetness: The Key to Success

Embracing gentle behavior for a sweeter life.

Suresh Sangwan Saru
3 min readApr 2, 2024


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The mantra for success in human life is sweetness. Our gentle demeanor serves as the indicator of life’s sweetness. For the individual whose behavior is harsh, life can never be sweet or blossom.

In other words, they cannot be sweet themselves or fill others with sweetness. On the contrary, those whose behavior is gentle are inherently sweet and infuse sweetness in others.

Some people questioned former US President Abraham Lincoln, ‘You have many enemies; why don’t you finish them while you’re in power?’ In response, Lincoln said, ‘I am indeed finishing them.

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‘When asked how, given that he had not imprisoned anyone, given anyone the death penalty, or expelled anyone from the country, Lincoln replied, ‘I am winning them over with my courteous behavior. Soon, they will become my friends. Then, there will be no enemies left.’ Indeed, any experience gained through love never goes in vain.

Both receiving and giving love are delightful sensations, strengthening us day by day. Therefore, there’s no need to regret that those you love don’t love you back.

Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, ‘Receiving love from someone makes us strong while loving others strengthens us.’ Having affection or familial sentiments towards everyone keeps the mind content. Such individuals don’t harbor fear toward anyone.

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Enmity and fear, friendship and fearlessness — these are pairs. One whose mind is filled with fear considers others as enemies. One who has no fear can consider the wrongdoer as ignorant but doesn’t consider them an enemy. Through repeated practice of contemplating the welfare of all beings, friendship grows, and life becomes sweet.

This passage beautifully emphasizes the power of sweetness in human interactions and the transformative nature of love and kindness.
It reflects the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln in dealing with his
adversaries through diplomacy and courtesy rather than hostility.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

It also draws upon the profound insights of Lao Tzu regarding the strength gained through both receiving and giving love.

Furthermore, it delves into the psychological dynamics of fear and hostility, highlighting how a mind filled with fear perceives others as enemies. In contrast, a fearless mind sees them as misguided but not necessarily hostile.

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Cultivating friendships and benevolence towards all beings leads to a fulfilling and harmonious life.

Overall, the passage serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative energy of sweetness and love in shaping human relationships and fostering peace and contentment in lifestyles.

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Suresh Sangwan Saru

Passionate Writer, Curious Learner, I am saru who weaves the beauty of words, melodies, With a profound passion for music ,soulful gazals,