The Roots Within

ARTS o’ Magazine August Writers Celebration Month Contest / Challenge!

Saima Saleem


In response to Writing Prompt

Aug 2. HELPED are those born from love

Saima Saleem

Love is in your roots 🌸

Loyalty is in your roots 🌸

Empathy is in your roots 🌸

Kindness is in your roots 🌸

Honesty is in your roots 🌸

Tolerance is in your roots 🌸

Respect is in your roots 🌸

Positivity is in your roots 🌸

Compassion is in your roots 🌸

Passion is in your roots 🌸

Care is in your roots 🌸

Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

Your roots play a fundamental role in shaping who you are. Your roots represent your origins, experiences, and influences that contribute to your identity and character ❤


