OVR Metaverse Portals IRL

Mikirishi - Artsect NFT Gallery
3 min readNov 10, 2021

ArtSect NFT Gallery AR Activation

The OVR Blockchain Land Grid

The OVR platform allows users to upload AR/XR and NFT experiences across the world. Using my.three.words the hexagonal grids cover the whole planet and are governed by the OVR Token.

The ArtSect NFT Gallery DAO holds over 200 connected plots across high volume and historic cultural districts across London. Including large sections of our native East London streets. We have dedicated these to experiential activations for the Decentralized Arts Movement and demonstrations provoke thought, social interaction and wellbeing in the environment.

With our DAO of architects, land planners, designers and metaverse property managers we were able to assess and analyse the most interesting spots across London.

We combined that with the future development plans for the same areas to ensure long lasting success of the Metaverse Portals and experience zones.

Artsect NFT Overground Takeover

We want to create provoking digital experiences, overlaid onto the historical commercial streets.

With strong historical narrative and modern capitalist entrenchment, these areas are ideal for takeovers from the Decentralised Arts Movement and ideological affiliates.

With the mixed media exhibition Arbitrary Names Cannot Define Such Taste, from Ben Dawson. They used AR salt circles, triggered by the sacred geometry patterns made on the gallery floor to trigger the experiences for the Dante’s Inferno film.

Artsect NFT Portals / Bioarchitecture

Artsect public AR spaces can hold 3d sculptures, video and a virtual architectural environment.

Using the NFT artworks from our artists we can activate these AR spaces for extra public interaction and education, beyond the setting of the physical gallery.

Twitter: @artsectDAO
Instagram: @artsect



Mikirishi - Artsect NFT Gallery

Founder of the DAO led Phygital NFT Gallery in London, UK and the Metaverse