GLO: Global Loop Orchestra

Ken Fields
Published in
6 min readDec 16, 2017
Decentralized P2P Networked Music and Multimedia Performance

GLO will establish a permanent networked community of musicians and performing artists who will perform together live (synchronized) from multiple cities around the world over the internet. Imagine a music festival where 10 (or 20) musicians in 10 (or 20) cities stream their live jam to millions of people all around the world.

What Problem are we Focusing on

In the emerging age of decentralization, our niche is ‘LIVENESS’ (networked human presence and participation) and the post-live intellectual property (recordings, videos) — the after party goodies. Along with decentralization, there must come ‘re-humanization.’

GLO is essentially a decentralized Networked Laptop Orchestra

Buy Live!

Today the internet media environment is a noisy sea of competing voices simultaneously shouting for our attention, with a few well curated islands of authenticity. In general, we are stuck with ‘fake news,’ We’re banking on the fact that the LIVE event horizon (NOW) will become a site of increasing value; such that, the closer you are to that live/now line, the more valuable will be the ‘signal.’ Live media acts as a filter, because it’s a less crowded and more skill-intensive space to command. With people sharing a direct, unmediated signal path, there are high degrees of presence, trust and authenticity.

Distributed on EtherVision

EtherVision (SingularDTV) in conjunction with other decentralized CDN (content delivery network) disruptors like LivePeer offer an opportunity to significantly jolt the current music/video industry giants that have so massively taken over the bloated middle ground. Refactoring this state of affairs is what the decentralized movement is all about. EtherVision’s ‘vision’ is to make an equitable distribution of funds via smart contract mechanisms — deflating the middle market and empowering the creative participants who do the blood, sweat and tears part: the artists, techies, audiences and early adaptors. Who wins? GLO token holders.

But it doesn’t end there; after the LIVE event, there will be recordings of the live streams available on EtherVision. The interesting part is that a live multi-city event, will have recordings from each venue or studio. This means, that there will be competing unique versions of the same live networked event from different perspectives. These artifacts will vie for best representation of the live experience, while one version might acquire a higher IP value than the others.

Is this Feasible?

We have tested and operated on international high speed university networks (Internet2) for the past decade. With the convergence of affordable high bandwidth services to homes and SMEs, blockchain technology, and new software platforms (Artsmesh: see, live network music is going to take the world by storm. We are at the beginning of a long and exciting project!

The Audio is Uncompressed between Multiple Sites

GLO-Ops: What the GLO Organization Does

The GLO organization will coordinate, train and incentivize. We will manage the stability and growth of the GLO economy and opportunities (glo-eco/glo-ops). We will recruit 24 timezone managers who will organize rehearsals and perform within and across their timezone band/ensembles independently. There will be any number of configurations of inter-timezone collaborations. Timezone managers themselves will be encouraged to start independent Sub-GLO token projects of their own to incentivize their activities and fans. In order to keep the regional benefits feeding back into the global economics, we will issue official GLO agreements on the blockchain as a proof of association with the network.

12–24 Timezone Managers: A Map from the 1500's

Think of our team as a network music innovation lab (a label if you will), with the mission of facilitating the first bands and ensembles in history that operate completely over the network. In the decentralized business, remote working groups (firms) are the emerging rule, with platforms like Aragon or Colony paving the way to manage the operations of these distributed entities. This is what we’re doing in the music business; band members will not need to be all co-located, which will open up infinite creative possibilities. Likewise, your audience (investors) need not be considered passive consumers but key partners and initiators of live music happenings on the network.

What the Token Does

GLO will necessarily exist in a multi-token universe alongside Singles, Eth and others. When you acquire GLO, you will be investing in shares of an early label startup — like Motown was in the early days. Today, Motown’s early catalogue is worth millions. Motown didn’t last forever, nor will GLO. But GLO token holders will be a community of IP holders of the first network music concerts on the planet — owners of all that GLOs.

Utility wise, GLO will mainly be used for kickstarting live multi-location net music events — initiating a stakable project. An event/concert can be initiated from anyone with GLO: producer, musician, investor or audience member. After project and date are announced, people buy in (buy live). As the date for the event approaches, the value of the event grows (the contract collects more GLO, or ‘starts to GLO”). At the click of the broadcast button, the contract is locked in for the duration of the performance (like a horserace). After the performance is over, the video(s) or audio recordings are made available on demand on the EtherVision platform, where views/listens/likes contribute to the increase of the value of the IP contract. Other subtleties of the contract logic will be developed in technical consultation with SingularDTV and contract experts.

Your personal IP stake in individual events can be traded/sold at any time. Fans can build IP portfolios over time, which are basically shares in contracts with locked in GLO. Your portfolio value will be able to be tracked and visualized. If at any time a third party (tv/radio, film producer) would like to use specific content (images, audio), they just send GLO (or ETH/SNGLS) to the contract, and that is dividend time for that contracts stake holders!

Global Loop Orchestra First Performance 2017

Long Term Goal

GLO is meant to show feasibility and inspire a whole new industry and economy based on live network music jamming across the world. We see the explosion of easy to use broadcasting apps this year and millions of fans who religiously await their favorite live internet streaming personalities and events. But this phenomenon is only the traditional model of broadcasting (one-to-many) transferred to the internet; we are preparing for the next generation, peer-to-peer-to-many ‘singularity’ movement.

The GLO Token Launch has ended. GLO is now listed on the SingularX exchange.


1. Background on Laptop Orchestras, ‘Orks:’

2. Artsmesh software for live network music performance:

3. Network Music Performance:

4. GLO Project lead, Kenneth Fields, ‘Where are we? Extended Music Practice on the Internet’.’ Forthcoming chapter on network music:

5. Book: The Future of Live:



Ken Fields

Creator: Artsmesh, for live P2P networked music Performance.