The Life of an Artsmesh Blockchain Contract

Ken Fields
Published in
4 min readDec 28, 2017

Here are the steps involved in the full cycle of an Artsmesh blockchain IP contract for a collaborative network music project.

Proposal: Basic Life Cycle of Artsmesh IP Contract on Ethereum Blockchain

Artsmesh is an application for network music, where musicians play on the network between multiple cities in real-time. It’s P2P, while each participating node will broadcast and record their own particular mix/perspective. So there could be multiple live streams and recorded versions of the same concert. The music will indeed be slightly different in each location as the delay between cities creates a slightly different configuration of offset rhythms and different personnel will create a different local aesthetic. This is one of the most attractive feature of network music; It’s what makes network music, network music.

While Artsmesh is a full suite of modules to manage audio, video, and open sound control streams over the network, it also manages all the shared user/group info (IP addresses, ports, locations, media parameters). Another thing it does is to share the Ethereum accounts of all the parties, and sends tokens around (for example, MESH/MSH or GLO) through its built in wallet.

Besides token streaming, Artsmesh will create a solidity intellectual property contract that lives on the Ethereum blockchain for each network music concert.

The contract UI will initiate the contract well before the concert is broadcast. This provides some time to get the word out and rehearse for the big day.

Between initiating a contract and going live, concert supporters can, as we say, “buy live.” It’s a ticket for the live streamed show, but its also a stake in the ownership of the resulting intellectual property. So dedicated fans will have a part to play in early funding of the concert production expenses, but then hold an interest in the value of the result.

So the early adaptor fans’ (the extended tribe) will have their Ethereum accounts inserted right alongside the musicians and production people that were involved in the concert.

When the concert goes live, the contract is sealed, finalized. The income generated after that, including live concert proceeds and VOD fees from viewing the recordings of the live concert footage afterwards, goes directly into the contract pool.

Afterwards, the accumulated funds will be automatically distributed on a set date to the IP stake holders, while all retain voting rights regarding this property in proportion to their share in the project.

Additionally, any licensing fees to be had for licensing of the stored VOD recordings, will be sent directly to the contract address and then be distributed by means that can be voted upon.

This creates portfolios for both producers and investors, that can be tracked over time in a planned future module of the Artsmesh application. IP shares can also be sold or liquidated.

The simple idea is to create an automated economy on the blockchain that surrounds and supports a creative and active culture of network music performance. All roles are represented by the participants Ethereum addresses, and all funds are automatically routed according to a set design.

This is a rough draft of the protocol. A Bounty is offered for honing this logic - 100 MSH.



Ken Fields

Creator: Artsmesh, for live P2P networked music Performance.