ArtSpark Artists Do Brunch

Kristine Maltrud
Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2010

Tomorrow morning is a gathering of the 2010 ArtSpark Artists and Arts Organizations — the first time the group has met in person (!). We’ll enjoy yummy eggs and good coffee while looking squarely at where we are and where we’re headed in 2011. The first ArtSpark project is winding down — STREET ARTS — and Suzanne Sbarge will give us her perspective on what worked and didn’t work as ArtSpark got the word out and helped 516 ARTS microfund the project (which will continue for a couple of final STREET ARTS events, so please give generously). It’ll also be a great opportunity for everyone to talk about their projects and share ideas of how to connect to and engage fans and new audiences, including fundraising and volunteering.

In the next week, project #2 launches. This time we’ll be collaborating with Michelle Otero, a gifted writer who is devoting her time in December and January to dive deeply into her writing. Her goal is to finish a draft of a memoir entitled “Vessels.” Michelle’s already been chronicling her hard-won decision in making the commitment to her writing in her blog. The blog is a fine read, and very to the point in describing the struggle so many of us artists have in making real time for our creative process. ArtSpark looks forward to working with Michelle to find innovative ways to support her writing process. Keep your eyes peeled for a blog post introducing Michelle and her project, “Vessels,” in the very near future…



Kristine Maltrud

ArtSparkFounder & CEO. ArtSpark empowers and equips artists and creators to make a living on their own terms. Creator of the Artist Business Canvas.