Deborah Gavel and Rota Fortunae

Kristine Maltrud
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2010

I’ve had the recent good fortune of getting to know one of ArtSpark’s 2010 Artists: Deborah Gavel. Deborah is a well-known visual artist who makes her home (and studio) here in Albuquerque’s North Valley. You can also visit Deborah on her lovely website.

Deborah opened a recent show, Rota Fortunae (Wheel of Fortune), at the 5G Gallery on July 2, 2010 (the show runs through July 30th). It is an exquisite collection of several recent pieces, many of them mandala-like and full of color.

Deborah writes of Rota Fortunae: “During this time period, like so many, I have been very focused on the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. Watching the news develop with no resolution in sight has influenced my days in the studio and at least one painting in particular. Rota Fortunae (Wheel of Fortune) seven paintings including an installation in the center of the gallery space is in response to the oil spill. The installation is a small tribute, an offering to the people, animals, birds and fish most deeply affected along the coastline, a comment on our carelessness mixing oil with water. The elements I am using: broken china, bird feathers, used motor oil, ice, sea shells, fish hooks and rope address this unfortunate accident in a metaphorical way. What will we do when our plates our empty?”

Below is a slideshow of Deborah’s show on its opening night, where a steady stream of visitors came through the gallery to witness and admire her work:

In the spirit of ArtSpark’s passion for “igniting widespread artistic expression via online microfunding/ crowdfunding, audience engagement, collaboration and community building,” we are committed to helping Deborah raise funds to support her ongoing artistic work. So please consider writing a check, big or small, to Deborah at this address: Deborah Gavel, P.O. Box 27035, Albuquerque, NM 87125.

Deborah’s been receiving lovely press about her show, including a great blog post from Lisa Gill, writer and poet, who is always and forever worth reading. Also, stay tuned for more from Deborah via ArtSpark’s blog as she/we move forward with vision and creative force!



Kristine Maltrud

ArtSparkFounder & CEO. ArtSpark empowers and equips artists and creators to make a living on their own terms. Creator of the Artist Business Canvas.