ATT Token Swap Guide

Artube official Blog
5 min readNov 25, 2021


Hello. ARTUBE informs you.

As part of the process for close collaboration within the Kakao community, ATT Tokens (ERC-20) will be swapped for a
new ATT Token (KCT, Klaytn Compatible Token) along with the
mainnet transfer of ATT from Ethereum to Clayton.

Accordingly, Artube supports the Easy Swap service.
The easy swap service is not supported in a mobile environment,
so please use it on a PC.
For the simple swap service, please follow the guide below.

Who can use the easy swap service.

  • Any user with ATT coins in their personal wallets can proceed
    with token swaps directly through MetaMask with owner verification.
  • There is no need to use this service because the ATT token (ERC-20) held
    by the exchange is automatically exchanged for a new ATT token (KCT) according to the exchange schedule.

I. Install MetaMask and sign up.

. Install MetaMask and sign in (Please use Chrome web browser)

If MetaMask is not installed Go to the installation page (

What if there is no MetaMask icon?

If you do the above, you will see the icon.

. After sign in

*The address in the guide photo is an example address.

When you sign in, the ATT coin of the ERC-20 address is automatically entered.

II. Install and sign up for Kaikas wallet.

As Artube(ATT)’s Klaytn mainnet is switched, a token swap is required to use the payment service.

From November 30th, Art Point payment through ATT will be possible with the Klaytn wallet <Kaikas>, and support for Metamask will be suspended for the time being.
Therefore, we recommend that you send the Kaikas wallet to that address after installing it.

Kaikas wallet installation URL

III. Swap to Klaytn network.

. Open the Kaikas wallet and copy the address.

. Paste the Kaikas wallet address into the address bar with Ctrl+v.

*The address in the guide photo is an example address.

Validation verifies that the address was created on the Klaytn mainnet.

. Reconfirm the quantity and shipping address in the final confirmation popup.

*The address in the guide photo is an example address.

Press the button to start the exchange.

. Start swapping.

*The address in the guide photo is an example address.

. After the transfer is complete, check the contents.

*The address in the guide photo is an example address.


  • The amount of ATT tokens (ERC-20) based on the Ethereum network will be frozen at the time of deposit/withdrawal suspension, and it is not supported, so please do not attempt to transfer it.
  • If you send to the wrong address, please understand that it is difficult to recover due to the nature of the block chain.
  • Swap progress may be delayed depending on network conditions.
  • After the swap is completed, please check whether it has been completed normally through the provided Klaytn Scope link.
  • For other related information, please refer to the exchange notice.
  • ü For inquiries, please contact the representative email (


Even if you sign in with MetaMask, you can’t see the ATT coin

  • If you select New when installing MetaMask, it is a separate address that is automatically created, so you can import an account by clicking your profile in the upper right corner of MetaMask.
  • If you have an Ethereum-based wallet you had when you signed up for MetaMask, connect it to the import wallet instead of the Create Wallet button.

I can’t see the ATT coin swapped in the Kaikas wallet.

  • After exchange, there may be a delay depending on the network situation.
  • The address you sent may be different, so please check your address again.

How long is the swap period?

  • If the swap period is until December 31, the page will no longer operate thereafter.

What is Clayton?

  • Klaytn is a global public blockchain platform developed by Ground X, a blockchain subsidiary of Kakao, a representative IT company in Korea.Klaytn is an intuitive development environment and user-friendly
    service-oriented blockchain platform.It was developed not to miss reliability and stability based on service-oriented public acceptance.
    Klaytn has created an environment where the services can be fully utilized by enabling end-users to create large-scale real-world applications without any blockchain or cryptocurrency expertise.

Why do I need to swap?

  • The mainnet swap will make it easier for Artube to introduce various services being prepared in the Klaytn ecosystem and solve the problem of high gas costs on the Ethereum network.
    After that, the ATT coins held in ERC-20 will be frozen, so conversion is required.
    Also, as ATT (Atube)’s Klaytn mainnet is switched, a token swap is required to use Atube Webtoon’s payment service.

Why Install Kaikas Wallet?

  • Coin payment for Atube Webtoon is possible with Klaytn wallet <Kaikas> after the November 30 update, and MetaMask will be suspended for the time being.

