Happy Birthday Instagram: How Social Media Helped Save Art During Covid-19

Anna Harvey
Artupia Stories
Published in
Oct 28, 2020

The indomitable Instagram turns 10 this October, and although many of us don’t feel like (or are literally banned from) celebrating, the social media platform deserves a party, because it has helped save one of the most affected industries from the aggressive clasp of the pandemic; the art industry.

The Arts and COVID-19

2020 has tested many industries around the world, hotel closures, restaurant curfews and even plunging airlines and travel companies into an unmountable well of dept. Workers have been made redundant, relationships strained, and lives lost as the world continues to fight the fight against COVID-19.

Countries around the world are tightening measures, and Italy announced all cultural institutions will close in an attempt to curb the rising infection rate. This measure resulted in uproar from creatives around the country, demanding the arts are exactly what the people need when spirits are low.

At a time when artists are literally silenced and denied the tools to create, many are taking to the online platform to fill feeds and hearts with creative goodness

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