5 Super Famous Offices that Motivate their Workers with Art

Anna Harvey
Artupia Stories
Published in
Nov 14, 2020
Slack HQ in San Francisco

Successful offices all have one thing in common: motivation. The ambition behind a company like Apple, Google, Facebook or Amazon isn’t just written in the code, but the design, utilizing the power of creativity to create microcosms of unyielding potential.

These scopious worlds want to engage, inspire and liberate employees, seeking to illustrate their mindset through cosmic structures, geotic Ardacias or minimalist havens.

1. Facebook

Alan Turing in Dominos, by Connor Wright for St. Louis Office

For years social media mogul, Mark Zuckerberg, has beeninviting local artists to paint their perception of the world on the walls of his Facebook offices around the world.

Through celebrating art, and more specifically local art, Facebook celebrates the very core values of the company; staying connected, establishing community, and honouring creativity.

Artupia boasts over 10,000 artists on its platform, hailing from over 30 countries, and has helped global brands like Melia International and Disney, communicate not only their identity through art but that of their environment. Want to know more on how we can help you inspire through art? Click here.

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