Why should you be available for Artupia Live Painting service?

Melania Morelli
Artupia Stories
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2020

Hello again everyone! I hope you enjoyed your Summer holidays sunbathing on the beach or hiking up on the mountains. Here at Artupia, we took a few days to relax too but I can tell you, we’re now all back and ready to face new challenges! So don’t miss anything and read this article.

You may have noticed we contacted you lately about being available for Live Painting service. 🎨 In case you missed out, I’m here to refresh your mind.

So, first of all: what is a Live Painting?

As you may assume by the word itself, it is basically a great chance to show your technique and create a painting in front of an audience. Cool, right?

Artupia Artist Dolaana Davaa pictured whilst performing her Live Painting during the joint event held by Artupia and BOOM Imagestudio called “#MakeArtNoPollution” to raise awareness about sustainability and environment, June 2019.

But, how does it work? Basically, we send an artist for a client event. The artist is called to represent Artupia and perform a painting show in front of an audience. Which kind of events am I referring to? It could be during a dinner, a reception or a movie premiere. Just know that you are working to represent Artupia with a professional service.

This is a great chance for you to be seen not only by the guests attending the event, but also by business partners we currently work with.

Each event held will be promoted on our social media feeds as well as our partners which are organising the event. This means even more possibilities for you to expand and enlarge your audience as well as a unique chance for you to share your artistry and demonstrate your talent and ability.

An example? We have a longtime partnership with Disney Italia, and last year one of our Artupia Artists, Alice Fois, got the chance to be on the red carpet for the movie premiere “Toy Story 4” to complete a Live Painting.

Artupia Artist Alice Fois on the red carpet of the movie premiere “Toy Story 4” pictured whilst performing her Live Painting for the event, June 2019.

You will represent Artupia through this service we are providing to companies. Of course, you will receive a compensation for the work done and this will be based on the subject that will be performed as well as the hours you will be required to be present.

Of course you won’t have to realize the newest Sistine Chapel frescos, but we definitely expect from you to be professional and give your best with these performances.

So what are you waiting for? Join our Community and let us know your availability for Live Painting now!

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