Why should you upload your artworks on Artupia?

Melania Morelli
Artupia Stories
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2020

Well, hello again everyone and welcome back to yet another article dedicated to you. Today we’re going to talk about the perks of uploading a painting on Artupia.

First of all, we are an online platform for emerging artists with the main purpose to make Art available for everyone. The classic stereotype wants for Art to be exclusively reserved to wealthy people who spend thousands of dollars during private auctions. But then what happens if you love Art but you can’t really afford to spend that much on a canvas? Well, Artupia is the word! And if you want to know a bit more about us, you can always read this article.

Artupia is based on meritocracy and talent. What does it mean? Well, it means we developed a neutral algorithm to quote each and any painting available on the platform. How does it work? It’s really simple! The algorithm will first take into account neutral and material criteria such as:

  • Artwork’s measures;
  • Technique (i.e. acrylic or oil) support (i.e. canvas or paper) and realisation (i.e. brush, spatula, collage, spray) used;
  • Level of detail, accuracy and preservation of the artwork;
  • Hours needed to complete it;

These factors establish the starting price of any paintings. Once the painting is online, its price will increase accordingly to the interactions and engagement it generates with our users.

For example, if a painting is added to the bag or collection, visited by many users, then its price will increase in no time. The quote of the artist follows the same system: the more an artist uploads, sells and has visibility on the platform, the more their quote will increase.

With this said, why should you upload your artworks on Artupia? Because we put in relation the artist and the Art lover and act as an intermediary whenever a user purchases a painting.

Our goal is to promote you and your talent to the majority of people as possible. By creating an account on Artupia and sharing our news, tagging us and participating to our contests, and being active on social media, you will be able to grow your popularity!

Nothing makes us happier than seeing our Artists’ number of followers grow along with their engagement.

There are no Art critics in Artupia, there is only the love from people who appreciate your Art: all of this at a fair and evolutive price!

So now you know the perks of uploading your artworks on Artupia. What are you waiting for then?

Join our Art changing Community!

