AI in Business: Episode #6: AI in Government

Aruna Pattam
Published in
8 min readDec 17, 2022


Artificial intelligence is widely known to be one of the most important technologies of our time. Its potential applications are vast, and its implications are far-reaching. AI has the ability to change the way we live and work, and businesses have been quick to recognize this. In fact, many organizations are now using AI in various ways to improve performance and productivity.

But what about government? How is AI being used by governments around the world, and what benefits are they seeing? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most interesting AI government use cases out there.

1. What is AI and why is it important in government?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making headlines as the technology that will define the next decade. Even in government, there is a recognition of AI’s potential to improve decision making and service delivery.

What is AI?

Simply put, AI is a process by which computers can be taught to learn from data — much like humans do. This could include recognizing patterns or identifying objects in pictures or videos. Once these “teachable moments” have been identified, the computer can apply what it has learned to new data sets, getting smarter over time.




Published in arunapattam

Director, AI & Data Science | MS Data Science | MBA |AI Content Creator | Mentor | Technology Executive | Innovation | Digital Transformation | Financial & Regulatory Compliance

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