Generative AI Applications: Episode #6: In Energy & Utilities

Aruna Pattam
Published in
6 min readMay 7, 2023

Powering the Future: How Generative AI is Transforming the Energy and Utilities Industry

“Generative AI is igniting a new era of innovation and efficiency in the energy and utilities industry, redefining the way we harness, distribute, and consume resources to power a sustainable and connected world.”

The Energy and Utilities sector, integral to sustaining modern life and economies, now stands at the cusp of transformation, thanks to Generative AI.

This advanced form of artificial intelligence, capable of generating new insights from existing data, holds immense potential to reshape the industry.

In this article, we delve into how Generative AI is revolutionising energy and utilities, from optimizing grid management and promoting renewable energy to enhancing demand forecasting and infrastructure planning.

Embracing Generative AI promises to unlock fresh opportunities, streamline operations, and boost efficiency in an ever-evolving landscape.

Join me on this journey into the future of Energy and Utilities.

Current challenges in Energy and utilities

Energy and utilities companies are at the forefront of addressing crucial challenges, including combating climate change and upgrading aging infrastructure. They grapple with:

Climate Change Pressures:

These companies face immense pressure to reduce their carbon footprint, necessitating a shift to renewable energy sources.

Aging Infrastructure:

Reliability and safety concerns arise from outdated systems, demanding urgent modernization.

Demand Volatility:

Electric vehicle adoption and renewable integration lead to unpredictable energy demand, requiring adaptable grid systems.

Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities:

The digital shift exposes the industry to cyber threats, demanding robust security measures.

Resource Scarcity Risks:

Essential resource availability, like rare earth minerals for renewables, remains uncertain.

Innovative solutions and cross-sector collaboration are essential to navigate these challenges, enabling a sustainable and resilient energy future.

Generative AI Market — Energy & Utilities

The Generative AI market within the Energy and Utilities sectors is poised for remarkable growth.

In the Energy Market, it is projected to surge from approximately $527.4 million in 2022 to a substantial $4,261.4 million by 2032, with a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.9% from 2023 to 2032.


Simultaneously, the Utility Market is expected to experience even more significant expansion, increasing from $534 million in 2022 to a substantial $8,676 million by 2032, driven by a remarkable CAGR of 33.1% from 2023 to 2032.


These figures underscore the increasing importance of Generative AI in optimizing operations and driving innovation in these crucial sectors.

Use cases in Energy & Utilities

#1: Streamlining Field Operations

In the energy and utilities sector, swift issue resolution is paramount. This entails crafting accurate work orders and assigning them to the right technicians. Delays can lead to downtime, increased expenses, and decreased performance.

In the utility sector, substation faults require precise work orders and technician assignments, which can be time-consuming. Generative AI revolutionizes this process.

AI analyses fault data, history, weather, and technician skills to generate a detailed work order, pinpointing the issue’s location, needed equipment, and potential problems. It also selects the best-suited technician based on skills and proximity.


Generative AI accelerates substation issue resolution, providing technicians with precise details and equipment, reducing downtime and costs. This boosts performance, trims maintenance expenses, and expedites issue resolution, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency in energy and utilities.

#2: Personalised Product Recommendations

In the utilities sector, delivering exceptional customer service is pivotal for ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Traditional customer service methods often grapple with challenges such as lengthy waiting times, a lack of personalization, and limited accessibility.

The objective here is to employ Generative AI for the analysis of customer data and preferences. It will then generate personalized product recommendations that align with each customer’s unique energy requirements, preferences, and sustainability objectives.

This initiative aims to enhance customer experience and engagement within the energy and utilities sector by utilizing advanced AI-driven personalization to meet individual energy needs effectively.

#3: Transforming Field Worker Safety

Ensuring field worker safety in utilities companies, given their exposure to challenging environments and hazards, is crucial.

However, there are notable challenges, including limited data, high-risk work conditions, inadequate safety training, and communication issues.

We can leverage Generative AI to transform safety training by creating immersive scenarios.

Generative AI can provide field workers with interactive and engaging experiences, enhancing their preparedness and risk mitigation skills. This innovative approach aims to improve safety awareness, equipping workers to respond effectively to various hazards.

#4: Enhanced Product Design

In the field of wind turbine design and simulation, there’s a critical need for cost-efficiency, time savings, and improved performance to extend the turbines’ lifespan.

To tackle the unique challenges of wind turbine design and simulation, we can use Generative AI technology.

Generative AI utilises wind data, historical performance, and turbine specs to generate new designs and simulations, identifying and optimizing performance issues while streamlining the process, reducing both time and costs.

This results in an efficient, cost-effective, and high-quality approach to wind turbine design and simulation.

Generative AI empowers engineers, leading to longer-lasting, more efficient wind turbines, promoting sustainability and operational excellence in the wind energy sector.

#5: Smart Assistant

In the realm of energy and utilities, the focus is on providing timely assistance to users and ensuring efficient energy consumption. We can leverage Generative AI to develop a Gen AI-powered smart assistant that responds to customer queries and offers energy-saving tips.

This assistant will empower users with information on their energy consumption patterns, comparisons with similar households, budget projections, energy and carbon savings calculations, and personalized suggestions to reduce bills.

The result?

A user-friendly assistant powered by Generative AI that enhances energy awareness, promotes efficient consumption, provides personalised recommendations and empowers users to make informed decisions, ultimately contributing to energy savings and reduced billing.

Challenges in Applying Generative AI

Effective utilization of Generative AI in the energy and utilities (E&U) sector faces several hurdles.

Firstly, data quality and accessibility issues prevail, as scattered and often subpar data hinders accurate model training. Robust data collection, integration, and management are essential to overcome this challenge.

Secondly, the sector’s outdated infrastructure complicates integration with Generative AI models, causing interoperability and compatibility problems.

Moreover, the scarcity of skilled professionals who can bridge the gap between AI and E&U operations further exacerbates these complexities.

Furthermore, E&U companies must grapple with stringent regulatory, security, and copyright concerns. Adhering to privacy and compliance regulations while safeguarding against potential misuse of generative AI output, such as in phishing attacks, requires meticulous attention.

Lastly, despite its potential to reduce carbon footprints, Generative AI itself can contribute significantly to environmental concerns due to its energy-intensive nature, paralleling the aviation industry’s data processing emissions. Addressing these challenges is imperative for the successful implementation of Generative AI in the E&U sector.


Generative AI is poised to revolutionise the energy and utilities industry, driving innovation across grid management, renewable energy, demand forecasting, and infrastructure planning.

By embracing the power of generative AI, energy and utility companies can unlock new opportunities, optimise their operations, and enhance efficiency in a rapidly evolving landscape.

As generative AI technologies continue to advance and mature, their applications and impact on the energy and utilities industry will only expand.

Energy and utility companies that can adapt and evolve with these emerging technologies will be well-positioned to capitalise on the myriad opportunities they present and secure a bright future in the ever-changing world of energy and utilities.

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