Should we be scared of AI? Debunking Myths About AI

Aruna Pattam
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the subject of heated debates and conversations for years, with opinions ranging from the possibilities offered by AI to its potential pitfalls.

As responsible AI practitioners, it is important to understand the complexities surrounding AI and its potential implications on society in order to effectively mitigate any potential negative consequences.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the common myths around AI and how we can approach these issues in a thoughtful manner.

AI Myths:

Myth 1: Artificial Intelligence Will Replace Humans

One of the most pervasive myths about AI is that it will replace humans in certain jobs.

While it is true that AI is capable of performing tasks more quickly and accurately than humans, this doesn’t mean that humans are no longer needed in those roles.

The truth is that many companies are already using AI-enabled technologies to augment their workforce rather than replace them.

For example, customer service representatives can use automated chatbot systems to quickly answer questions from customers, freeing up time for them to focus on more complex tasks or engage with customers on a more personal level.

Myth 2: AI Is Unethical

Another myth about AI is that it is inherently unethical or immoral.

However, this isn’t necessarily true;

While there are ethical considerations when implementing new technology, such as ensuring that data privacy protocols are followed and ensuring fairness in decision making algorithms, it’s important to remember that technology itself isn’t inherently good or bad — only how it is used can be viewed as either positive or negative.

By taking steps such as providing transparency into how decisions are made by algorithms and being mindful of ethical considerations when building new technologies, we can ensure that they are used responsibly and ethically.

Myth 3: AI Will Take Over the World

This is one of the most sensationalized myths about AI, but it simply isn’t true.

Artificial intelligence systems are designed to learn and adapt, but they are not sentient beings with a will or desire of their own. Instead, they are programmed to perform specific tasks and can only act within predetermined parameters.

As long as AI remains within these parameters, it is unlikely that they will be able to take over the world.

Myth 4: AI Is Too Complicated for the Average Person to Understand

It is often assumed that AI is too complex for the average person to understand.

However, the reality is that AI is becoming increasingly accessible and easier to use. With the development of machine learning libraries and cloud computing platforms, it has become much easier for non-technical people to work with AI and even create their own models.

There are also a multitude of resources available to help people learn more about AI, such as tutorials, online courses, and conferences.

Myth 5: AI Is Unpredictable

This is another misconception about AI.

while it is true that AI systems can be unpredictable at times, this doesn’t mean that they are uncontrollable or untrustworthy.

By carefully designing and testing algorithms and incorporating safety measures such as feedback loops and monitoring systems, we can ensure that our AI systems remain reliable

Mitigating Negative Outcomes

In addition to debunking myths about artificial intelligence, it’s also important for us as responsible practitioners of AI to consider ways of mitigating any potential negative outcomes associated with its use.

Literacy around AI:

One way of doing this is by promoting literacy around AI; educating people about what these technologies can do and how they work will help allay any fears they may have about them being used irresponsibly or against their best interests.

Monitoring Algorithms:

Additionally, continuously monitoring algorithms for bias and introducing appropriate safeguards into decision making processes will help ensure fairness when using these technologies.

Setting Limits:

Also, setting limits on the use of these technologies and ensuring that they are used ethically will help to ensure that any potential negative outcomes are minimised.

Use only where appropriate:

Next, it’s important to ensure that AI systems are only used when it is necessary and appropriate. This means considering the potential impact of their use as well as weighing up the ethical implications before implementing any new technologies.

Human centred approach:

Next, taking a human-centred approach to the development of AI systems is key; this means thinking about how AI technologies can be used to benefit humans, rather than just focusing on technical performance.

It’s important to remember that technology is not a panacea — it can be used for both good and bad outcomes depending on how it is implemented. As such, we should always strive to ensure that AI is used in an ethical and responsible manner.

By considering the potential risks associated with AI and taking steps to mitigate those risks, we can ensure that these technologies are used responsibly and ethically. Ultimately, this will help ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits society as a whole.


It’s clear from this post that artificial intelligence should not be feared but rather embraced — if done so responsibly — due to its numerous benefits both now and in the future.

By understanding some of the common myths surrounding artificial intelligence and taking steps such as promoting literacy around these topics, implementing appropriate safeguards into decision making processes, and engaging in an ongoing dialogue between developers and users we can ensure that these technologies are used responsibly going forward.

