AI/ML Introduction: Episdoe #3: Types of Artificial Intelligence
AI is a hot topic these days. It’s all over the news, it’s popping up in conversations with friends and colleagues, and you can’t seem to be on social media without hearing about AI.
But what does it mean? What are the different types of AI? And why should we care?”
This blog post will explore “Types of artificial intelligence”.
This is a continuation from my previous blog which was on “what is AI?” and “History of AI”.
AI Types can be classified based on capabilities and functionalities.
From a Capabilities perspective, there are 3 types — Narrow AI, General AI and Super AI.
AI Categories for functionalities are Reactive Machine AI, Limited Memory AI, Theory of Mind AI and Self-Awareness AI.
Now lets look into the details of the AI types in capabilities.
AI types in capabilities
Narrow AI
Narrow AI also known as Weak AI is programmed to assist humans with a single task or take over a specific task. Examples include Apple’s Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant.
General AI
General AI also known as Strong AI is the ability of the program to perform a different kind of tasks just like a human does.
Super AI
Super AI is hypothetical where machines become self-aware and surpass the capacity of human intelligence and ability.
In the AI Evolution, we are currently here in the Narrow AI stage. Systems with general AI are still under research. It will take lots of effort and time to develop and is yet to become reality. Development of Super AI systems in real is still a world changing task.
Lets now jump into the AI types based on Functionalities:
AI types based on Functionalities
Reactive Machines
Reactive Machines AI perform basic operations. These types react to some input with some output. There is no learning that occurs. Example Spam filters.
Limited memory types
Limited memory types refer to an A.I.’s ability to store previous data and use that data to make better predictions. Self-driving cars is an example for this type of AI.
Theory of Mind AI
Theory of Mind AI — In this type, A.I. begins to interact with the thoughts and emotions of humans. Example Sophia, a humanoid robot, was able to “see” emotions and respond appropriately.
Self-aware AI
The final type of AI is self-aware AI. This will be when machines are not only aware of emotions and mental states of others, but also their own.
AI researchers are currently working to enhance limited memory AI and then will work to develop theory of mind AI. Finally, in some distant future, perhaps it will become Self-aware AI.
A.I. is a strong software tool for the future that’s here to stay.
It can help increase the efficiency with which things are done and vastly improve the decision-making process by analysing large amounts of data.
If you haven’t already, it might be time to start thinking about how you’re going to incorporate artificial intelligence into your business model in order to take full advantage of this revolutionary technology!
What do you think AI will become in the coming years?
We can’t wait to hear your thoughts! Let me know in the comments below if you have any predictions about where A.I. might go next.”
I hope you found this useful.
Thanks for reading.