International Women’s Day

Read our full article for International Women’s Day here: DIGITAL WOMEN at ARUP

Kevin Cressy
Digital News
Mar 8, 2021


It is International Women’s Day on the 8th March 2021 and we wanted champion some of the digital women at Arup.

Within Arup, we contacted 40 women, across 5 different regions and 12 different countries.

Each woman shared their thoughts on a question of their choice relating their work at Arup.

The women who participated are either digital practitioners or digital forms a significant part of their role.

This is only a small fraction of people but we hope it gives insight into some of the digital women at Arup!

Read our full article here: DIGITAL WOMEN at ARUP


If you would like to learn about Digital at Arup, read more about our work here.

You may also be interested in reading our sister blog The (Arup) City Modelling Lab.



Kevin Cressy
Digital News

Web Software Leader for Advanced Digital Engineering UK at @ArupGroup. Digital Products | GeoNerd Alumni | Open Water Swim Novice | Father | London.