Where’s the Ping Pong table?

Kevin Cressy
Digital News
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2019

The office refresh in our London office is now complete and its great to be in our new refurbished office space!

This is a re-post of LinkedIn article written back in July’19.

We now have a space that is Design and Software Dev friendly at Arup. We have flexible working spaces that facilitate the collaborative Product Team working that we have craved for so long.

OK, so we don’t have a ping pong table yet.

But joking aside, this is a great step in the right direction and a recognition that the requirements are not the same for all disciplines in such a diverse firm. For some people in the firm, quiet working spaces with minimal visual noise distractions are essential, for others access to a vast library of structural engineering reference books might be essential.

For us it was access to wall space that was important so that we can have our emerging designs visible to our Product Teams . It was also important to have quick and easy access to breakout areas for our daily Scrums. Equally important was table top space to lay out our work during critique and review sessions.

We are still in the “moving in” stage and it will take a little time to mark out our new territory, but we certainly have a great environment that will greatly improve our productivity and you know what, I think we will survive without the ping pong table.

…but do please excuse me while I go and find my post-it’s.


Article image: Photo by Jeff Finley on Unsplash.



Kevin Cressy
Digital News

Web Software Leader for Advanced Digital Engineering UK at @ArupGroup. Digital Products | GeoNerd Alumni | Open Water Swim Novice | Father | London.