Using Svelte.js with Flask backend server

Manav Tech
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2021


In this blog post we will build a simple flask based API and connect it to Svelte front-end for an end-to-end application

Let’s start with the backend API. Basic understanding of Python venv environments is recommended but you can follow along without a virtual environment setup

Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash


  • Python 3.7+
  • Flask
  • venv (recommended)

Step 1: Creating a Flask API

  • Create a new folder and activate the venv environment.

source env/bin/activate

  • Install the Flask dependencies

pip install flask

  • Validate the flask installation is complete

python -c "import flask; print(flask.__version__)"

  • Finally, create a flask API as below ( in the main folder

your file name might differ based on the setup and IDE of your choice

from flask import Flask, requestapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/message')
def generate_random():
args = request.args
return "Hello " + args['name']
if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Finally, start the API by running the below command


  • Validate the API call by hitting the URL below


This should return with Hello manav as the response

Step 2: Create a Svelte front-end

  • Inside the main folder, create a new client-side folder and install svelte
npx degit sveltejs/template client
cd client
npm install

This will create a new svelte application and install the required dependencies. You can test the successful installation by running npm run dev and browsing to http://localhost:5000

You should see a Hello World in browser

  • A svelte app is composed of Svelte components which are compiled at build time. You can read more about this on the svelte website
  • Next, find the default svelte component i.e. App.svelte in the generated client folder and update the file code as below:
let message = '';
let src = '';
async function getName() {
let thisMessage = message;
let res = await fetch(`./message?name=${message}`);
let message_received = await res.text();
if (res.ok && thisMessage == message) {
src = message_received;
<h1>Received Message: {src}!</h1>
<input type="text" placeholder="enter your name" bind:value={message} />
<button on:click={getName}>Send Message</button>

Here is a brief description of the code:

  • We create an function getName() which makes a REST call with a name attribute with ${message} value
  • The function awaits the response received and extracts the text value
  • If the HTTP Response Code is 200 OK the response is added to the src variable
  • The html tags are required to capture the Entered Message, button for execution and finally to provide the generated response from the REST call

Step 3: Modify the Python class in Step 1 to load the client side Svelte code

  • Open and add the following routes to the class
# Change to import `send_from_directory`
from flask import Flask, send_from_directory, request
...# Path for our main Svelte page
def client():
return send_from_directory('client/public', 'index.html')

This will allow the index.html file from client/public folder on the root-context

Optionally, you can add the below route to load static content like JS files, CSS etc.

# Route to add static files (CSS and JS)
def base(path):
return send_from_directory('client/public', path)

Step 4: Run the app

  • Svelte app can be compiled by running npm run build from within the client folder
  • Finally, run the python app by running python
  • Browse to ; enter a name and click Send Message button
  • Message Received should show Hello name



Manav Tech

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