Building Document Tampering App for enhanced Fraud Detection

Kushagra Bhatnagar
Arya AI Tech Blog
Published in
5 min readFeb 27, 2024

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, where information is exchanged at the speed of light, ensuring the integrity of digital documents has become more critical than ever. The digitization of documents brings unprecedented convenience, but it also introduces new challenges, particularly the risk of tampering.

As organizations transition towards paperless operations, the digitization of documents has become a common practice. However, this convenience comes with its own set of challenges. Digital documents are susceptible to manipulation, posing serious risks to the authenticity of crucial information. From forged signatures to manipulated content and ID documents, the consequences of document tampering can be severe, ranging from financial fraud to legal disputes and a loss of trust in the authenticity of documents.

Recognizing these challenges, Arya APIs has developed a groundbreaking solution: the Document Tampering API, a powerful tool designed to detect and prevent document tampering with unparalleled efficiency and accuracy.

How does the process work?

Arya’s Document Tampering API employs a two-step process to ensure comprehensive detection and prevention of document tampering.

Level 1 Check- Metadata and EXIF Tags Analysis:

  • In the first step, the API examines the metadata and Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) tags associated with the document.
  • Metadata includes author details, creation date, modification history, and software used for document creation.
  • EXIF tags contain additional metadata specific to images, including camera settings, GPS coordinates, and editing software information.
  • The API analyzes this metadata to detect any anomalies or inconsistencies that may indicate tampering or external software usage.
  • If the document is flagged as potentially tampered with at this level, it is not forwarded to the Level 2 check, saving processing time and resources.

Level 2 Check- CAT-NET Deep Learning Model:

  • If the document passes the Level 1 check without being flagged as tampered, it proceeds to the Level 2 check.
  • In this step, the document undergoes analysis using the CAT-NET deep learning model.
  • CAT-NET utilizes advanced deep learning techniques, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), to examine the document content, structure, and context for signs of tampering.
  • By analyzing various features, including text, images, and contextual information, CAT-NET can accurately detect and localize instances of document tampering.

By employing this two-step approach, the Document Tampering API offers a robust and efficient means of detecting document tampering. Combining metadata analysis and deep learning-based detection with CAT-NET ensures comprehensive coverage and reliable detection of tampered documents, enhancing security and trust in document transactions.

Compression Artifact Tracing Network(CAT-NET) Architecture

The Compression Artifact Tracing Network (CAT-Net) is a sophisticated system that detects and analyzes compression artifacts within digital images. Compression artifacts are visual distortions or anomalies in digital images due to lossy compression techniques applied during image encoding or transmission. These artifacts can degrade the quality and fidelity of the image, impacting its visual appearance and integrity. Understanding compression artifacts is essential for effectively detecting and mitigating their effects, which is where CAT-Net comes into play. Here’s a detailed explanation of the process:

CAT-NET Model Architecture
  1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:
  • CAT-Net starts by collecting a large dataset of digital images that have undergone various compression techniques.
  • These images are preprocessed to ensure uniformity in size, color space, and resolution.
  • Additionally, the images are annotated to indicate regions affected by compression artifacts, providing ground truth labels for training the model.

2. Training the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN):

  • The core component of CAT-Net is a CNN, a type of deep learning architecture well-suited for image processing tasks.
  • The CNN is trained on the preprocessed dataset using supervised learning techniques.
  • During training, the CNN learns to recognize patterns and features indicative of compression artifacts by adjusting its internal parameters through backpropagation and gradient descent.

3. Feature Extraction:

  • As the CNN learns from the training dataset, it automatically extracts informative features from image patches.
  • These features capture low-level visual characteristics (edges and textures) and high-level semantic information relevant to compression artifacts.
  • CAT-Net can distinguish between genuine image content and compression distortion by analyzing these features.

4. Artifact Localization:

  • Once the CNN is trained, CAT-Net can localize compression artifacts within new, unseen images.
  • This localization process analyzes image patches at multiple scales and positions to identify regions affected by compression distortion.
  • By examining the extracted features and comparing them to learned patterns, CAT-Net can precisely pinpoint the locations of compression artifacts within the image.

5. Artifact Classification:

  • In addition to localization, CAT-Net can classify compression artifacts based on their type and severity.
  • Classification algorithms within CAT-Net categorize artifacts into different classes (e.g., blocking artifacts, ringing artifacts) to provide insights into the nature of compression distortion.
  • This classification enables users to understand the specific types of artifacts present in the image and take appropriate corrective actions.

6. Iterative Refinement:

  • CAT-Net incorporates iterative refinement techniques to improve the accuracy of artifact detection and localization.
  • The model fine-tunes its parameters through successive iterations and adapts to diverse compression patterns and image characteristics.
  • This iterative process enhances the robustness and effectiveness of CAT-Net in detecting compression artifacts across a wide range of scenarios.

Arya’s Document Tampering API, fortified by the capabilities of the CAT-NET architecture, offers a robust and efficient solution for combating document tampering. By leveraging this technology, organizations can-

  • Enhance security- Mitigate the risks associated with fraudulent document manipulation, safeguarding sensitive information and financial assets.
  • Boost trust- Foster confidence in the authenticity and integrity of crucial documents during transactions and collaborations.
  • Streamline operations- Automate document verification processes, saving time and resources by efficiently identifying potential tampering attempts.

By seamlessly integrating metadata analysis and cutting-edge deep learning techniques, the API offers an unparalleled defense against document tampering. You can put the API to test with your data and experience firsthand the astonishing results it provides. Click here to check your documents now!


Myung-Joon Kwon, In-Jae Yu, Seung-Hun Nam, and Heung-Kyu Lee, “CAT-Net: Compression Artifact Tracing Network for Detection and Localization of Image Splicing”, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2021, pp. 375–384

Myung-Joon Kwon, Seung-Hun Nam, In-Jae Yu, Heung-Kyu Lee, and Changick Kim, “Learning JPEG Compression Artifacts for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization”, International Journal of Computer Vision, 2022, vol. 130, no. 8, pp. 1875–1895, Aug. 2022.

Lam EY, Goodman JW (2000) A mathematical analysis of the DCT coefficient distributions for images. IEEE transactions on image processing 9(10):1661– 1666

