Maha Vakya of 10000 year old Advaita Vedanta wins Nobel Prize for Quantum Physics in 2022

Back to the future.

What the world is trying to prove in 2022 our Rishis proved way back 10000 years ago.

Look at this talk in below link by the worlds foremost living expert on Vedanta, Swami Sarvapriyananda of 125+ year old Ramakrishna Mission started by Swami Vivekananda in dedication to Bhagavan Ramakrishna and his soul mate Sarada Mata.

Maha Vakya (Grand Saying) Doctrine of Vedanta
Brahman Satya, Jagat Mithya

Brahman (God) is the absolute and only reality, this (physical) world is a falsity.

#future #backtothefuture #brahman #god #sanatanadharma #hinduism #bharat
#restorerealramrajya #aryadharma #quantumphysics #science #physics



Dhyan Kuttappa Bollachettira
Arya Dharma

Author Arya Dharma, Grandson Honourable Gentleman Burma Star Awardee BB Kutappa