The fraud gutter pseudo “science” of Psychiatry

Dhyan Kuttappa Bollachettira
Arya Dharma
Published in
11 min readApr 9, 2018


The fraud gutter pseudo-“science” Psychiatry is one of the worst inventions of FUKUS, ranking almost as high as its “wonders” of “Democracy” and “Capitalism” in the damage it has caused to humanity.

Psychiatry is the biggest fraud in mankind, and is as serious a curse as the “wonders” of FUKUSDemocracy” and “Capitalism“.

Here is a good article on Exposing Psychiatry as a Fraud from Top To Bottom.

The “degrees” that Psychiatrists bestow upon themselves are even more overrated and fraudulent than the MBA degrees of investment bankers.

There is no objective test like a brain scan, blood test, X Ray or MRI for psychiatry.

It is all based on the 10 minute third-party opinion of a so called “qualified” “professional” who refers to a really badly written piece of cheap D-grade fiction called the DSM as the gospel truth.

The funny part is that no two or even ten so called “qualified” “professionals” will agree with a same exact diagnosis for a single patient.

Psychiatry is under the domain of so called professionals who call themselves therapists when they should actually call themselves the rapists.

It is the only branch of “medicine” where without the consent of the patient, a doctor can force a “patient”, who in their so called “professional” “opinion” are “abnormal”, to be strapped and restrained against their will and forced to take addictive mind…



Dhyan Kuttappa Bollachettira
Arya Dharma

Author Arya Dharma, Grandson Honourable Gentleman Burma Star Awardee BB Kutappa