The wonder of honey bees, the most highly evolved species on Earth

Dhyan Appachu Bollachettira
Arya Dharma
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2023


I have always been fascinated by bees.

Bees have been on Earth for 35 million years.

According to scientists, they are the most highly evolved species on earth and no further evolution of bees will take place since they have already evolved to their highest potential.

Without bees there would be no life on earth, since no plants would be pollinated and all crops would fail.

If all crops fail, there would be no more food not just for humans, but all land based creatures and all land based creatures would die.

So what is the Ultimate Philosophy of the bees that has enabled them to survive for 35 million years on Earth and that we so called “evolved” humans must learn from and emulate.

That their entire life is spent for the good of the homeland, doing SEVA (selfless service), the highest ideal of Dharma, and they follow Varnashrama Dharma in doing so.

They follow the real and actual Gunas and Karma method of the Varnashrama Dharma.

Gunas means qualities, attributes, virtues or character.

Karma means conduct, deeds, occupation and accomplishments — past, present and future.

Past Karma includes past lives also.

This is very unlike the vast majority of so called “evolved” humans, who spend the vast majority of their lives only for their petty personal interests and spend a majority of the time by being lazy and dependent on their rulers.

The bees are ready to sacrifice the vast majority of their hard work and efforts over the short span of their life for the good of the colony and mainly for the sustenance of the young and Queen who cannot leave the colony to collect their own nectar and pollen.

They are willing to sacrifice their lives not only to protect the colony like the hard working female bees do, but also to provide life for future generations like the lazy male drones do by committing suicide mating with a Queen.

The majority of the decisions of the colony is decided by the worker bee females, and the males, just like the vast majority of males in humanity, are a liability to the homeland, and only fit for providing sperm to ensure the future of their species.

Unlike so called “evolved” humans, the bees never attack anyone, even when a honey collector opens their honey box to collect the honey from the honey section of the honey box.

They only attack the honey collector if they are agitated by him or if he attempt to destroy the rest of the bee colony.

The worker bees are the Shudras of the colony.

They spend the vast majority of their lives in SEVA to selflessly do all the work of the colony in service of the young and the Queen who are unable to leave the colony.

The Shudras worker bees are not looked down nor do they feel ashamed to do their work unlike so called “evolved” human counterparts.

Interestingly the Shudra worker bees also double up as Kshatriya warriors, since they are the ones who unhesitatingly fight and sacrifice their lives to defend the colony.

Interestingly the Shudra worker bees also double up as Kshatriya administrators, since the worker bees decide what the Queen does, who among her heirs will be males and future queens, and when the Queen has to leave the colony to establish a new colony and let the new Queen take over the existing colony.

The scout bees are the Brahmins. They use their wisdom and experience to establish the homeland and always arrive at a consensus decision that is always followed by the Queen.

The only function of the Queen is to provide offspring for the renewal of life in the colony and also to ensure that there are no threatening opponents to her during her time in the colony.

The system followed by the bees was the system followed in Bharat which led to the establishment of Ram Rajya and the kingdoms of Mauryas of Magadh, Guptas, Cholas, Rashtrakutas and Vijayanagar.

Unlike the worker bees of the bee colony who even decided when the old Queen had to leave the colony and when a new Queen would emerge, the workers and subjects of the rulers of भारत Bharata, even though they did all the fighting and working for the good of the kingdom, the workers(subjects) in भारत Bharata had no voice and were subject to the whims and fancies of the arrogant, selfish, greedy and lazy kings of the Kaliyuga.

For Ram Rajya to return, first the vast majority or workers(subjects) of a homeland have to be prepared to work hard, do SEVA (work selflessly) and for the good of the homeland, and not for their and for their own personal petty interests, and more importantly, get rid of their laziness and eagerness to live off freebies from the evil “rulers” who are doing this just to make the workers completely dependent on the “rulers” so that they wont rise up to oppose the “rulers”.

Once the “wonder” of FUKUS “Casino Capitalism” and the “wonder” of FUKUS “paid democracy” fail shortly, people will realise that their not just their own wellbeing is at risk, but even future of their heirs and successors, then automatically they will rise up and hopefully burn the FUKUS systems of “casino capitalism” and “paid democracy” and return to a system of SEVA (Selfless Service), the highest ideal of धर्म Dharma, and run the world under the Varnashrama Dharma which unfortunately has been followed constantly since time immemorial only by the bees on this planet which has ensured their survival for the last 35 million years.

****Environmental potential and benefits of Bees****

Bees significantly improve the yields of crops for farmers.

For horticultural crops. the yield improves by a minimum of 40% to 300% or more.

In addition to this, bees significantly improve the crop vitality and health of future generations of these crops in addition to improve size and appearance and taste.

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Dhyan Appachu Bollachettira
Arya Dharma

Author: Arya Dharma and The Art and Science of Real Wealth