ध्यान Dhyana (closest meaning is Meditation)

Dhyan Kutappa Bollachettira
Arya Dharma
Published in
10 min readAug 10, 2016


According to the Gita and the Brahmasutra, ब्रह्मन् (Brahman) can only be reached by those who practice and follow ध्यान (Dhyan or Dhyana).

Even Saint Pio of Peitrelcina said:

Through the study of books, one seeks God,
By meditation (ध्यान (Dhyana)), one finds him.

Dhyana or (Raja) Yoga is the highest of all yogas — to become a person balanced in all actions and thoughts.

One who has achieved समत्वम्ं Samathvam (equanimity or balance).

The perfect description of the ध्यान yoga is given in the Gita.

This is what the Gita says about one who has mastered the ध्यान Yoga:

The Yogin is greater than the Ascetic,
he is considered greater than the man of knowledge,
greater than the man of ritual works.

Sankara Acharya says that ध्यान can only be done by a person who has renounced everything in the world and is not possible to be achieved by a Grihastha (householder).

A person who sincerely and consistently practices ध्यान will realise the true form of ब्रह्मन् which is mainly समत्वम्ं Samathvam (equanimity), compassion and mercy.

You will only bring out your divine nature and develop Samathvam (equanimity), compassion and mercy to achieve oneness with ब्रह्मन् (Brahman) by the sincere and sustained practice of ध्यान (Dhyan or Dhyana).



Dhyan Kutappa Bollachettira
Arya Dharma

Author: Arya Dharma and The Art and Science of Real Wealth