Payments + Customizable Themes-January 2019

Branick Weix
Published in
5 min readFeb 3, 2019

With the new year we are excited to launch two new features for Aryeo — payment collection and customizable themes. We know both of these have been long requested and we appreciate everyones patience and help.

  1. Payments
  2. Theme Customization — Ken Burns, transitions, and more!


Aryeo payments will allow you to set a price on a listing and choose whether you want to require payment before your customers can download your images. If you choose “Require Payment to Download” they can still see the property websites, but in order to unlock the downloads they’ll need to pay. All payments go directly to your bank account. You can override this at any point by disabling payments if they happen to pay you in person or by check. All you need to do is set the price and click save! In order to access payments, you’ll need to set up your Stripe account first.

Enabling Payments + Stripe

In order to access payments, you’ll need to connect your Stripe account. If you’re unfamiliar with Stripe, they are a payment processing company that securely stores your customers credit card information and lets you connect to your bank account. This level of security keeps user information private and lets you use some of Stripe’s amazing features. If you already have a Stripe Account you can simply sign in and all of your information will be in one place.

To get started, hit “Company” in the sidebar and proceed to the “Settings” tab:

Payments section in your company settings

Click the “Connect Stripe Account” button and you will be directed to Stripe to either sign in or create a new account. Aryeo does not have access to any of the information you input. Once you submit the form you will be redirected back to Aryeo and your account should be ready to go!

Aryeo doesn’t take any fee from your payments. Standard credit card processing fees from Stripe will apply, which is the industry standard of 2.9%. Money is deposited directly from Stripe into your bank account, making it a simple, secure way to get paid.

Collecting Payments

You will see a new tab in your listing edit page for payments now. Click on the big “Customer” button and you can then enter the “Payments” settings. The payments form is extremely simply and lets you input a price and choose whether payments are required for download. When your customers either log in or go to the Download Center they’ll be prompted to pay for your images. You will both receive email receipts for the payment.

To make things even easier, you will also see the payments options in the “Deliver” window. This has the same settings and will hopefully save you time when you just want to deliver and charge your customer:

Theme Customizations

The other major feature we’re launching is the ability to config the slideshow settings on our themes. Most of these settings are only relevant on themes that support slideshows, such as our default and Pacific themes. The Modern theme does not support these options. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Easily change slide duration, speed, transitions, and animations
  • Set preferences for every property your company makes
  • Save your customers preferences so they are automatically applied

You can access these new settings in your listing edit page. Simply click the big “Settings” button and click on the “Theme Settings” button. These are the settings for that specific listing.

Most settings are self explanatory, but here’s a brief description of each:

  • Transition — the effect applied between slides (20+ options)
  • Transition Duration — how long the effect should take place
  • Image Duration — how long the slide should appear
  • Animation — used to set Ken Burns (we recommend random!)
  • Animation Duration — set the speed of Ken Burns (we recommend 5 seconds)
  • Timer — show/hide the small white timer bar beneath the images
  • Slideshow — you can disable the entire slideshow and just show the first image
  • Loop Slides — loop through all of the slides when complete
  • Image Order — presentation order of the images in the slideshow
  • Image Sizing — Stretch is the default, which will result in some cropping. No Stretch will show users the entire image, but will often have empty space around the images depending on the device

Setting Customer Preferences

You can also set preferences on individual customers. This will let you set things up once and whenever you add that customer in the future their preferences will automatically be added! Simply go to your customer center and click edit a customer. In the popup you will see a new “Theme Settings” tab with all of their details. These preferences will automatically override any existing settings on the listing.

If you’d like to set preferences for your company as well, you can do this in your company settings tab. Scroll to the bottom and select your default theme and slideshow settings. These will be automatically applied to every new property that you make — note that customer preference will overwrite this however.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you! Please reach out at with any questions or concerns.


