Getting to Know My 100+ followers

Mohit Kulkarni
Welcome to Writing!
13 min readFeb 21, 2022

My way of thanking them 🙂

About Me

I am a Senior Software Developer (Technology - Salesforce). I started writing on Medium as I wanted share information & knowledge about Salesforce & Technology in general.

Need of Thanking?

No one told or forced me to write this. For me personally a little appreciation or acknowledgement towards my work / what I do means a lot to me. Everyone needs ‘Motivation’ — This is what will motivate me further to publish more stories. Gives me sense of satisfaction. Thank you all..!!

All about my 100 Followers

I will be listing down lines from one of their awesome pieces or story title.

  1. Jennica RoseYou are the one who inspired me to write this article ✌️ “Love is what I live for
    I long for it, I yearn
    That blossom of gush within
    Tis’ ardent rush I wish to learn.”
  2. Larry Berlin — “By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
  3. Lazar Mihnea — “Earn is where you can create a fixed term in which you lend out your crypto and receive passive income on it.”
  4. Muqaddas Angela — “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.
  5. Paige J. — “From The Avengers to The Umbrella Academy : How Asians Are Erased in Hollywood”
  6. The Korner — “Solo levelling is one of, if not the most popular action-fantasy, dungeon system, monster hunting Korean webtoon out there. It is the underdog, using unique themes to elevate the over used trope of good prevailing over evil commonly found in most Shonen.”
  7. Gurvir Boparai — “You should make your own decisions and don’t let others influence you. Choose which path you want to take.”
  8. Catharina K. — “There is no worse bully than the one you create in your head
  9. Kazi Ayaz Mahesar — “I had that feeling ,Of such a co-creation ,Of the temple lights ,And sanctuaries of life ,I had that sensitivity ,To feel the rhythms ,Of creations ,Of those little big bangs ,Happening in the dome ,Of life”
  10. D. L Bester — “Who would have thought I’d be making this kind of content where I talk about followers and earnings? I do Tarot Readings for Pete’s sake!”
  11. Ajay Gupta — “Sex among all pleasures is most over-rated and exaggerated. — It actually lasts for a short period of time and yet can have long lasting consequences.”
  12. Alessandro Matteo — “Writing bursts forth in a rush. Thoughts in the white water breaking toward the face, splintering the stream,unfreezing crystals of halcyon days waiting to be recalled with due affection. The mist, with its crisp kiss on the nose, the skin, youthful, springs to the touch. I am alive.”
  13. Shruthi_Rajaram — “Learn to Savour the positives — Journalling things you are grateful for every day, though a very small exercise can make you look at life differently.”
  14. Az Codez — “Cloud services are great but can be very costly. It’s a good practice to set up a budget alert in Azure cloud so just in case you leave a cloud service on and it charges you a massive bill at the end of the month.”
  15. J. DeShun — “The stigma is still there. Movies based on video games struggle. The material is there to base movies on. The stories are there. The characters are there. The action is there. It just doesn’t translate to the silver screen most of the time.”
  16. Nishith Choudhary — “How I get up at 4:30 am Every Day and You Can Too”
  17. Shira Packer — “Bring on the collaboration and chill out the competition”
  18. EP McKnight, MEd — “When prosecutors, judges, and police unions join forces to suppress”
  19. Eric Casiano — “Here I am writing this as another step forward, keeping myself accountable for my future work. I don’t want to feel overwhelmed with the future, but I do need a push. I’m a writer after all, and a writer must write.”
  20. Aditya Rastogi — “The GNU Toolchain is a set of programming tools in Linux systems that programmers can use to make and compile their code to produce a program or library.”
  21. Average Consumer — “Behind Her Eyes utilizes a notion of Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection, occurrences, that claim to have a place in real-world practices.”
  22. Kellee Marlow — “The most important goal in growing your engagement and follower count is attracting a high-quality audience who will respond to your content.”
  23. Dr Damon Ashworth — “ Seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true.”
  24. Teost — “Twitter is television for intellectuals”
  25. Maria Belo Brol — “Every evening I have erotic stories in my Medium recommendations. Why? I didn’t know that I had the profile of an Erotic reader.”
  26. Heather Cuellar — “Why Sydney Sweeney’s boobs have become the most controversial topic of Euphoria’s second season?”
  27. Yasas Sandeepa — “Living in good and bad situations is part of life, but surviving in all the situations will smile on your face is the real art of life.”
  28. M Ahmed Tayib — “We focus more on quantity over quality paired with instant gratification, and we will be where we are now today. A perfect recipe for stereotyping a method to the extent of making it annoying.
  29. Florin-Andrei Rusu — “How to Not Invest in Crypto or Stocks”
  30. Sophal Heng — “I am naturally a curious cat. When I am introduced to something new that involves writing and freelancing, I always search for other people’s experiences.”
  31. Tomas Alonso — “People flashing expensive items are screaming, I’m doing well economically. People flashing Phd’s are screaming, I’m smart. Ego plays a significant part in what we choose to share with others and how that message we share makes us look.”
  32. Ted's List — “Considered the most significant jazz composer and bandleader of his generation, Duke Ellington’s career is nothing short of legendary. He is among the originators of big-band jazz, leading his own group for more than fifty years and composing thousands of scores. As a result, he created one of the most unique ensemble sounds in Western music, which is a fantastic feat in itself.”
  33. Makena Darya — “Hereafter — You Actually Die Twice”
  34. Sheetal — “Gifts that can bring extra joy to any programmer’s life.”
  35. James Blekking — “I find the endless possibilities that digital content creation has given us incredibly exciting. Being able to create, publish and promote our work while sitting at home is a huge opportunity that we must take.”
  36. Kartik Vishwanathan — “Sometimes in life and at work, even the most powerful people with the best of abilities and efforts don’t get the best result. Being truthful is regarded as the holy grail, however, the evils around are sometimes empowered so much that they can flip this very aspect of you being truthful against you.”
  37. Laura Bissessar — “Everyone you know is getting sick, so what have you got to lose?”
  38. xeladu — “Support other Writers with your Membership for Free”
  39. Priscilla W — “I Washed My Clothes for the First Time in Four Months”
  40. Dr. Shakira — “5 Types of Close Encounters: The Five Classifications of UFO and Alien Encounters”
  41. Andrew — “How To Prepare For Technical Interviews In One Week”
  42. kamran mehmood — “The enormous number of persons quitting their employment is referred to as “the great resignation.” Also known as the “big quit.” This term was coined and predicted for the first time in 2019 by Texas psychologist Anthony Klotz. At the time, he predicted that people would resign from their employment in the coming days, and some of his predictions have come true.”
  43. Buse ermen — “When our mind feels a sense of security, it lowers the defense systems and supports our social behavior.”
  44. Blessingpeters — “What if it is insanity for you to keep working your ass out everyday trying to pay the bills when you could simply live under any tree of choice without needing to worry about rent or taxes.”
  45. Dr. Deepti Singh — “In Ayurveda, oil pulling is incorporated in the morning routine, because it promotes health by removing toxins from the body.
  46. Iain Adam — “Small changes to leave you feeling happy, relaxed, and more productive.”
  47. Malika Nadeem — “Every animal is unique in itself. Instead of comparing cats and dogs, lets appreciate and accept them.”
  48. Tarokh Tarhandeh — “Some people are multi-taskers by default and by their nature, and others need to multitask on different occasions. Whoever you are, it’s okay; believe it! To multitask isn’t necessarily a good attribute because if you don’t know how to not overwork yourself, you’ll burn out quickly.”
  49. Rasika K. — “A Middle-Class Reaction to Rich Dad Poor Dad”
  50. Makena Young — “Dating Apps Have Ruined My Generation”
  51. Owen W. — “It’s the middle of the month and a new week has arrived. I can’t believe this month is half over, and then March will be here.”
  52. Missy K — “My dream is to build love and encouragement in the communities that are often put down. I love getting to know people of different cultures and backgrounds. I hope to encourage others to see past the skin color, language barrier, hair color, religion, and even political view.”
  53. Ian — “Continuous improvement is not only a methodology, but also a spirit. All units in the company should have the concept of continuous improvement deeply rooted in their hearts.”
  54. Mini Chang — Your all stories are amazing to be fair. Data structures & Algo related problems are not easy to solve. Will keep reading your stories.
  55. Jennifer Bonn — “Children approach life with joy, and without reservations. Each moment is a new adventure, and each person is a possible new friend. Although parents are supposed to guide their children through life, sometimes I think our children may have even more to teach us.”
  56. NearAndDistant — “If you didn’t know already, the UK is an aggressively unequal place.”
  57. Holmes Nguyen — “The more visible something is, the more we tend to carefully select the brand for it to help tell about ourselves.”
  58. Daniel Hunt — “My First Bug Bounties — $100 For Twenty Minutes of Work”
  59. Liviu Roman — “A man who has received pensions for his dead parents for more than 30 years, was caught when his father turned 100”
  60. Code & Dogs — Will keep reading your Salesforce related posts. 👍
  61. Ansuman Bhujabal — “I don’t know if any of you ever found it hard to eat . But for me it takes a lot of efforts and care to protect my clothes and body from it’s fluids . And to add more the fluid leaves permanent spots on clothes.”
  62. Zatara — “The investment that turned $45,000 into $1,100,000”
  63. Ruby — “Pain! Pain! He kept on saying “just know we are not getting back together “, “we are not trying to reunite” he’s happy. He’s probably realized how lucky he is, what he’s now got(freedom) and doesn’t under any circumstance want to lose it. I get him. I was toxic. He’s happy! Shit! Am I confused? Isn’t that what I wanted?”
  64. Simone Bourn — “And they happily climaxed and never saw each other again…”
  65. Roxanne Bridgers — “Despite my best effort, I’m not as sustainable as I thought”
  66. Jabe Nobru — “My depression story (life struggles)”
  67. Deniz Uku — “Python numerical modules are computationally efficient. But needless to say that a very fast code becomes useless if too much time is spent writing it. Python aims for quick development times and quick execution times.”
  68. Saurabh Samir — “In simple terms you can assume Synchronous as Sequential. In Synchronous process the thread waits for the task to be completed and then moves to the next task Sequentially. All the tasks are completed in a single thread.
  69. Aman Jain — “Reaching Zero Mail Inbox Effortlessly”
  70. Or Mishal — “40 amazing music facts that will shake your ears”….I have saved your article buddy….Very useful
  71. Vaishnavi Gangadhar — “A small initiative in heart of the city — Swachh Pune, Swachh Bharat”……I am too a Punekar ✌️
  72. Mischelle Frederick — “There’s no such thing as a perfect sunny side-up egg, same goes to business models.”
  73. Labman Perspectives — “I want to write better and Medium provides a platform with a supportive group to do just that. I want to share what intrigues me in life and how to live full, happy, and content. I want to read your stories, thoughts, and discoveries because they are just so darn unique and interesting.”
  74. JJ Walsh — “Over the last 50 years, Alex has found success in sharing his philosophy of MITATE –working with rural communities across Japan helping locals to bring their local assets into the modern age.”
  75. Skyler Benson — “How To Find FREE High-Quality Images For Your Medium Stories: 11 Websites”…..Very useful article brother 👍
  76. David Bryson — “Born in 1954 I ended up too old for beatles and too young for punk and preferred folk music at University in 1970s!”
  77. Ayman Bari — “Using networks to represent our data gives us a perspective, through which problems often become much simpler to solve. Networks are particularly useful when we are interested in learning more about the interactions between connected objects.”
  78. Ryan Carters — “Let that one who never predicted digits using the MNIST dataset cast the first stone — Every data scientist in the world
  79. Svetoslav Grigorov - Greg — “Words have power, the question is to learn to master it.”
  80. Vidhi Patel — “POMODORO technique — most effective cure to procrastination: break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are referred to as Pomodoro.”
  81. Gwyn Everett — “I’m caught, as a fly in a web that wraps intricately,
    toying, promising a bitter end. Answering the call of my disquiet,
    the maker of fear crawls nimbly closer, taunting, teasing, hoping I will falter.”
  82. MAIMUNA ISAH — “Yoga’s Benefits in Our Mental Health: Why Yoga is the Best Form of Therapy.”
  83. Kimberly Shyu — “Chime. Ding. Buzz. We get notifications all day. When it starts to feel overwhelming, take back some control!”
  84. Alexander — “Metaverse Horizon is in serious trouble”
  85. Aditi Dabhadkar Thakur — “Now at 29 years, when I’m looking back to the 5 years that I’ve simply skirted by, just because I earned decent amount of money, I feel so stupid of myself. I could’ve learnt so much, gained many new skills, enjoyed my hobbies but I watched web series after web series, and I don’t even remember all the names of the shows I watched. But now I’ve started this different journey where are I’m going to learn and develop myself to my fullest potential and find the spark to live a passionate life.”
  86. O.Craay — “5 Essential Tools for Newbie Software Developers”
  87. Daniel Sharpe — “I think, perhaps, the world is not so good, though it certainly seems to be the case that there are those who make their own place within it and call that space good.”
  88. Brandon maxie — “How to get the girl of your dreams
  89. Chiranjeevi T GLooking forward to your first article..!!
  90. Greg Vonf @ Business Automated — “It’s Time for DogeScript, a Dogecoin-inspired Programming Language”
  91. Fa'rath Shba — “Whether project managers get higher salaries than programmers and business analysts at all exist as a class depends squarely on the software world you live in.
  92. fiveinitaly — “Did I mention that the test for an Italian driver’s license must be taken in Italian? That was a harsh reality. It consists of about 40 true/false questions. After passing this test, a behind the wheel practical test must be taken, also in Italian. Many expats I’ve met have either not bothered with it and drove anyway, illegally — or gave up and chose to just use public transportation.”
  93. Farahsaeed — “Plagiarism is a technique which is being used a lot by writers nowadays especially those who do not know how to write an article and they copy the writing text or style and ideas of others and submit it to client.”
  94. Taylor Hudson — “Writing non-fiction keeps me awake.”
  95. Nisolomou — “In this life we ​​are all born with some kind of ability.”
  96. Josep SauledaLooking forward to your first article..!!
  97. MoneyCanWorkForYou — “Money-The fuel of Economy”
  98. Atul Kadlag — “Change is only permanent. Be ready to accept the challenges and make the changes whenever needed. If we keep our mind open, we get to know new ways of living life. Adopting to change is required to survive.”
  99. Yuri RodriguezLooking forward to your first article..!!
  100. PRUTHVI RAJ☁⚡️Looking forward to your first article..!!
  101. Rikam Palkar — “Cryptos and NFTs! The whole market is driven by FOMO and Hype.”
  102. Justin Taylor — “Charles Bukowski, the infamous poet and novelist, died with a net worth of $4 million
  103. Annie Zhang — “Blockchain is the future. You can either get left behind or prepare to become mega wealthy.
  104. Beltus Nkwawir — “The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread, but every time we repeat the act we strengthen the strand, add to it another filament, until it becomes a great cable and…
  105. Yann Meridex — “Christians took control of the world by using the supreme military hegemony of Europe and the excuse of bringing the gift of civilizational progress to justify colonization and ethnocidal forced conversions.”
  106. Kassandra Dzikewicz — “Practicing gratitude can be very simple and can have great effects on your mood and your overall outlook on life. They say ‘The more gratitude you have, the more you have to be grateful for.’ ”
  107. Thomas Smoot — “At first glance, Tidal looks like a copycat app with a poor marketing team. Spoiler alert; I don’t care. I dig it.
  108. Omar Regalado — “How Biology Keeps Costing You at Work. Over and Over.”
  109. ghizlane WM — “Taking care of ourselves may sound soo easy but is the most difficult thing ever , whether you are healing from a breakup , a trauma , dealing with a financial situation ,being head over heals …”
  110. Chrysa Chrysou — “The greatest discovery that I made for myself was that for years I took in all the toxicity of my surroundings and most of the time I pretended that I was ok and I was strong and I was even joking about it. When something bad was happening I used humor to ease the tension and I ignored the pain that I felt. And after a while, I realized that I wasn’t the only one.”
  111. Nestor Moschen — “3 Simple Tips That Will Make Your Leader Immediately Set Eyes On You”
  112. Peter Schweizer — “Überlastung … my Ass!”
  113. GonzaloG — “Web design and SEO are two concepts that are totally linked so that we can achieve success. The design allows a page to be attractive to guarantee a good user experience, taking into account aspects such as usability and accessibility, as well as an organic search engine positioning strategy that allows the desired results to be achieved.”
  114. Mike Hassaballa — “Climate change will keep making headlines if the world doesn’t work really hard on solving it.”
  115. Li — “Debugging is an important skill.”
  116. Divyata Dewan — “Just focus on the present. Focus on yourself. Stay wild, stay carefree. Forget about what will happen or what is not going to happen. Just stay here, feel both the love of the beauty and the pain of the beauty. Yes, I call it beauty. Beauty is life itself.

Thank you so much for supporting and looking forward to your upcoming stories…!!!

