“The Reflection”

Sunshine With An Extra S
Welcome to Writing!
4 min readNov 30, 2022

Lets try never have I ever, says the shadow back to the reflection;

..Ever taken a close look at ,in the “ mirror”;
What do you see?
A reflection!
And ..

Actually it’s more than just the reflection; You know what that is,
It’s the fact that we see the left in the right and right in the left, ever thought of it this way , may be , yes, no! Difficult to articulate in words through the vowels and consonants , alphabet.. the letters e.t.c. basically!

You know why! Because it indeed is more than just the words.

Well, as “someone” said so genuinely, accurately, magically?!

“it’s what it is ;As above so below!!” — I am thankful & grateful!

The Mirror, it’s not just the mirror and to see our outer shell, ever thought of looking at the mirror and see through the outer shell, look deep through it, you know what when we finally see through it we finally align with ourself and that reflection that’s showing the left in the right and the right in the left doesn’t exist anymore , because we become one, aligned, that’s the reality , that’s us , thats who we are ; that’s the bad, thats the good, the strength the weakness the shadow of us that shaped us in a certain way covering it with the outer shell and stopping us from looking into the inner shell. When we finally are being given the shock of life we open our eyes, and then , the magic happens! This magic is a conscious decision however this time, because we feel the alignment .
The magic, that has been screaming through all your life to you and we as blind and sleepy head, we don’t allow us to get up and do the work we need to do!

How to find those unconscious decision we made , did , that lead us to the conscious one; things that scream at you but you remain asleep; Those are found in the poems , the connect with nature, the things that helps you breath easy.The things that makes you feel alive and free, we dont need to break free from anyone or anything. we need to break free from the pattern, in ourselves. And when you are just you, you don’t feel like caged, so no point of breaking free. We are already flying!
I will repeat, the things that helps us breath easy, in a conscious or unconscious plane.This is the plane where we can find us aligned even when we look back and time travel.
What is it, it’s always with you, with us. Look at them once again . You will find a clue. And once find the clue through the time travel you will never look at life the same way.

A couple of sample I tried to look at again and again and again until I connected finally with the left with the left and the right at the right !

The thing is we have been living it all this while, yet we are blind, and none is at fault.

a trial to elaborate the connects back a year in summer

As one, as aligned, as above so below!
If there’s a will, there’s a way.If you believe you are healed, you will be.

a letter to the weary soul to comfort in a struggle to find the dots back a year in winter

The point here is that we try to relate with everything unconsiously. Everything that we are “actually seeking , is seeking us to to”; Yet its our duty to be genuine with ourselves to align with ourself , first; And well the rest will align itself.

“The Reflection” slept off in between ,

wakes up the next day- waking up bare foot touches the ground and head straight to the mirror, the “screaming is gone” and whisper arise — “P.S. I see you! stay the course!
Open your eyes, we are aligned, now and going forward.”

*a note to the inner self to get back and see again whenever it feels shaken*



Sunshine With An Extra S
Welcome to Writing!

To pour my heart out with what matters to me To share my thoughts To uplift you, your wellbeing , I promise, Stay tuned :)