SEA GYPSIES; Robinson Crusoe TOO

Phil Denton
As Good As It Gets
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2019

On the island our schedule is about the same each day. We start on our “Walk About” at 7AM heading toward the seaside walk. From there we trek along the edge. Just over the ledge all sort of sea life is in clear view.

It is like being inside the Sea World Aquarium. We walk along; Ruth speeds ahead and I socialize as I amble along.

A German Cruise Ship is at the dock. A seaside market is waiting along with tour buses ready to take the travelers on a quick island round about. I amble on past assorted shops ,restaurants, a beach which is the morning swim hang out for the island elderly and on past a few inns and scuba shops. Eventually I meet Ruth who is power walking back. We turn around.

By about 9:30 we are at our place ready to go for our morning swim. Ruth loves to snorkel and sees a mirage of sea creatures big and small. From eels to octopus; barracudas to pompano; and all the little ones hiding in the coral. Her favorite is the rainbow flounder buried in the sand or maybe the trumpet fish floating upside down waiting for lunch.

I like to swim; not a hard swim but an easy swim watching all the activity above and below the surface. The German tourists passing by; the class of Germans learning to scuba. I did not know until today that scuba body suits which are zip up the back have a long zipper cord. Just grab it and pull up; zipping up the back! On shore just over there is a yoga class in Dutch and behind me the live aboard boats.

Yesterday while swimming I noticed a group of 6 heavily dressed school children come down to the water’s edge. While I wondered; they right- sided an inflatable dingy pulled it to the water and climbed onboard. The oldest girl maybe 10 years old grabbed the oars and rowed the little boat out to an older yellow catamaran about 100 yard off the shore.I was amazed at these sea faring youngsters.

Today the laundry hanging on the rails as we walked by early in the morning and I saw the vessel’s mate doing maintenance. I am curious what life must be like on a small vessel with 8 onboard.

During my swim today as other full timers told me to get out of the way of their motorized inflatables; it was clear that today is shopping day. Not wanting to be run over by an inflatable I swam back toward the beach where we enter.

Interestingly the yellow catamaran’s inflatable was also crossing. It was being rowed by a woman who I assume is the mother of the 6 young sea children. She rowed the boat to shore jumps out; pulls the boat up; straightens her skirt, puts on her shoes and heads to town.

A family of 8 afloat on a small boat in the Caribbean making a life. Wow.

They were on a Robinson Crusoe adventure to Las Rocas a group of islands east of Bonaire.

I swam to the catamaran and was invited aboard. After enjoying lemon soup; I learned of their adventure and back to basics life style. Their plan to sail and build a camp on Las Rocas.

I am amazed. Bon Bini!

