As I read books

Kostiantyn Koval
As I read Books
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2015

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply” -Bruce Lee

Pre History

Finally I’ve read the “Start with WHY” book and I really like it. The most important part in reading books is applying what you have read. Sometimes it’s hard to apply all the ideas from the book in your current situation and it happened to me with the “Start with WHY” book, because I’m not the CEO “yet” :) and I can’t apply all of them. To practice the knowledge from the book I’ve decided to do other thing that helps to master the topic — to teach others. I’m not a guru in this topic and my idea is to write a short review about and share few keys from the book I’ve read that would help me to even better remember the ideas from the book and bring them to my life.

I would like to say thank to David Smith for the inspiration and his great series of articles As I Learn watchOS

“Start With WHY”

Book: Start With Why
Author: Simon Sinek
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Must read for CEOs, Leaders, people that want to change the world.

The book is great, and it’s a must read book for every CEO and leader.

Before reading the book I saw the TED talk and I was really interested in studying greatness and success. Why are some people successful, what is the secret to success, the psychology behind it, motivation, goals achieving and etc. I haven’t finished my study, but I’m sure that one of the most important keys is — “WHY”. Knowing your “WHY”. Why do you wake up in the morning, Why should you go to work, Why will you keep moving when times get tough. The “Why” is your life’s purpose, your Personal Legend, the greatest work of your life.

The main idea presented in the book is that all human behaviour, and our brain structure is divided into 3 main parts:

  • Why - Why we do it
  • How - How we do it
  • What - What we do

Everyone knows “What you do”, less people know “How they are doing it” and only few know “Why they are doing it”.

The book explains the importance of knowing the “Why” and communicating to the people by starting with the “Why”. It shows how knowing the “Why” affects and improves many areas like: marketing and sales, building a brand and trust, building a strong company culture, motivating and engaging employees, making a long lasting success and many other.

Another topic, which I found very interesting, is an importance of finding a right partner. There are “Why” people and “How” people. The leader with a vision needs people who know how to bring his vision to the life, how to build it. The important part here is to find the person who not only knows how to do that, but the person who will believe in your “Why”. The person who will take your “Why” and make it his own “Why”.

Knowing the “Why” is fist step, the next one is correctly communicating it to the others. The leader should clearly communicate his “Why” to others, so everyone car hear it, and those who believe in what you believe will be inspired by you and will follow you, will be loyal customers and employees.

This book is also great for people show have achieved a success and have build big companies. It shows the importance of remembering the “Why” while company is growing and evolving. It’s really easy to lose the “Why”, the purpose, which would lead to the situation when you will no longer enjoy doing what you are doing and could lead to a failure.

What I really like about this book is that there are many examples of success and failures. Apple with the Great Leader and amazing collaboration of “Why” and “How” personality, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. An amazing success of Walmart, and its failure when it lost its why after the death of its founder Sam Walmart.


I love the book and the way author thinks and explains his thoughts and ideas. I’ve learned a lot from the book and looking forward for reading his next book Leaders Eat Last. If you want to learn more check out the website


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Kostiantyn Koval
As I read Books

Life Coach — Helping people to achieve their dreams, life fully, love passionate and live life of no regrets