As She Writes

How to Act Like the Writer and Entrepreneur You Are

Are you dealing with or dreading change?

As She Writes
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2020


Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Change can be terrifying. It can also be a chance to finally start fresh and allow yourself to actively reach your goals. If you’re having trouble maintaining structure in your life or you’re unsure of where to begin after experiencing a massive change, it’s time you take it back to the drawing board.

I have dreaded change my entire life. Whether it’d be moving from one income stream to another, trying to find balance, or relearning a skill that has felt normal for such a long time, change scared me.

Exactly two months ago, I was starting to see that my freelance projects were wearing thin, and I knew that it was time to start broadening my spectrum of work.

Though I stayed in my comfortable little bubble, I continued to be paid the bare minimum for many hours of work until I realized that it was time I sought out change. I heard it from my husband, from my friends, every time I talked about work, that the reason I felt so stuck was that I settled.

I sat down, worked out a plan, and I refused to wait around, hoping things would work themselves out. It was time I listened, learned, and finally; tried.

