Best Moments in the Friday the 13th Series

I made a post about the bad; it’s only fitting that I make a post about the good. And I didn’t limit myself to 13. Because I like this series. Even the movies that I don’t like so much, I can usually find moments in them that I really like.

36. Joey in A New Beginning

He’s such a strange character in such a strange scene that I can’t help but love it. And his death is the most out-of-left-field in the series.

35. Sheriff Garris in Jason Lives

Sheriff Garris is pretty awesome, and pretty funny. David Kagen does a great job with Tom McLoughlin’s dialogue. We don’t get a lot of characters of authority in the series, so when there’s a memorable one, it’s very nice.

34. Debisue Voorhees in A New Beginning

It’s pretty awesome that they ended up casting someone with the last name Voorhees. It’s even more awesome that she ended up being this hot, and she even gets a decent death in a movie definitely not known for such things.

33. Jason gets blown up in Jason Goes to Hell

What a way to open up a movie. This opening scene is a lot of fun. It gives you everything you want to see in a Friday movie. And it’s sort of all downhill from there.

32. Double impalement in Part 2

You really don’t see a whole lot because the MPAA insisted much of it be cut, but I just love the idea of this kill. Yes, it’s stolen from Mario Bava’s A Bay of Blood, which pulls it off more explicitly, but still. You can’t go wrong with this kind of thing.

31. The twins in The Final Chapter

Two hot twins that go skinny dipping? Sure, why not?

30. Julianna Guill in the remake

She doesn’t have clothes on for too long, in what’s easily the most explicit sex scene in the series.

29. Shelly in Part III

I like Shelly. Most of the movies in the series have that one prankster character, but this is one that actually manages to be sympathetic.

28. Tina’s death in The Final Chapter

Jason’s thrown a lot of people through windows throughout the series — both living and dead. Never has it been better than when he throws Tina out the window and onto a car in The Final Chapter.

27. Robot dancing in A New Beginning

Some pretty sick moves. A pretty awesome song, too. I love how long this scene is.

26. Jason Voorhees in Times Square

Considering the budget issues this movie had, I’m just thankful they actually got to shoot at least a little bit in New York. This shot of Jason in Times Square is pretty awesome, and I like the moment where he kicks some punks’ radio out of the way.

25. The meta moments in Jason Lives

Sure, not all of them work. But plenty do, and are quite funny. This movie has a lot of funny moments, some of which I can’t even call meta. But that kid reading No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre always makes me laugh.

24. Kirsten Baker in Part 2

I mean, her ass gets its own closeup for some time. And she skinny dips alone in this movie. It’s stupid, but it’s also a lot of fun, and a good example of one of the series’s main selling points: sex appeal.

23. Crispin Glover’s death in The Final Chapter

One of the best kills in the series. Pretty funny, too.

22. Tommy Jarvis and Megan Garris’s relationship in Jason Lives

These two are a lot of fun together. They have great chemistry, and really help make the most lighthearted movie in the series a lot of fun.

21. Alice Hardy vs. Mrs. Voorhees

This whole climax is pretty great, and it ends in a very memorable way.

20. Andy’s corpse reveal in Part III

Andy is a pointless character that gets cut in half when he’s walking around on his hands. the problem I have with the kill itself — that you don’t really feel like he’s cut in half — is completely wiped away when is corpse is revealed later on.

19. Alice Cooper’s “He’s Back (The Man Behind the Mask)” from Jason Lives

I like this song a lot actually. It’s cheesy, sure, but so are these movies. It encapsulates the fun that the series is, in my opinion.

18. The bed fold kill in Freddy vs. Jason

The most memorable Jason kill in Freddy vs. Jason. Great stuff.

17. Jason’s resurrection in Jason Lives

This entire scene is pretty great. You get a monster brought to life by lightning like in Frankenstein, and he even punches through a guy’s heart. The James Bond gun barrel sequence is even parodied. There’s a lot going on here.

16. This kill in Jason Goes to Hell

Holy shit. This is awesome. Apparently it’s only in the uncut version of the movie, so it wasn’t seen in theaters, I guess.

15. The wheelchair death in Part 2

I love this moment. It’s a little silly, but it’s also pretty brutal. Definitely one of the best kills in the series.

14. Creighton Duke

Great character. It’s a shame he goes out like a bitch, but he’s the best part of Jason Goes to Hell.

13. Jason’s shack and Pamela’s sweater in Part 2

The shrine to Mrs. Voorhees is really creepy, as is Jason’s whole shack. And the sweater thing is pretty cool, too.

12. The sleeping bag kill in The New Blood

It’s a shame it got cut down, but it’s still great and iconic.

11. The virtual Camp Crystal Lake in Jason X

I have some mixed feelings on this movie as a whole, but there’s no real denying that this scene is brilliant in its own way. It sort of parodies/homages the entire series, and features a much more violent rehash of the sleeping bag kill.

10. Liquid nitrogen kill in Jason X

Who doesn’t love this kill? It’s very silly, but it fits in line with the rest of the movie. And it’s very creative.

9. The arrow through Kevin Bacon’s neck in Friday the 13th

Obviously. It’s a great effect and one of the most memorable kills in horror movie history.

8. Jason’s face reveal in The New Blood

This is the coolest look Jason’s ever had, and I love how much of the movie he spends unmasked.

7. Jason’s first kill in the hockey mask in Part III

I mean, it’s a pretty great kill, and it must have looked awesome in 3D. But this is the moment where we first see Jason don the iconic hockey mask, so it gets extra points for that.

6. Jason’s death in The Final Chapter

It’s a little silly, but it’s also an incredibly gruesome makeup effect by Tom Savini.

5. Jason fights Freddy Krueger

This needed to happen, and the fact that it finally did is just wonderful. It’s a very fun fight, too.

4. Jason punches Julius’s head off

This moment is really funny. It’s probably my personal favorite kill of the series, and it’s definitely the highlight of Jason Takes Manhattan.

3. Jason vs. telekinetic Tina

This is probably my favorite climax in the series. Sure, the actual ending made it on my list of worst moments in the series, but this climactic confrontation is just filled with amazing stuntwork and special effects.

2. Crispin Glover’s dancing in The Final Chapter

There are no words.

  1. The Jason jump scare in Friday the 13th

Obviously this had to be number one. It’s a really well done jump scare, and it’s Jason’s first appearance, too. He looks disgusting. It’s so great.

