Black Mirror episode review — 4.6 — Black Museum

Original release date: December 29, 2017
Director: Colm McCarthy
Writer: Charlie Brooker

Rating: 9/10

This episode has a different kind of storytelling. Nish (Letitia Wright) visits the Black Museum and gets a tour from curator Rolo Haynes (Douglas Hodge). Different artifacts inspire different stories. The first story is definitely interesting, and it reminded me a bit of Videodrome, but it’s annoyingly narrated by Douglas Hodge, who gives a very odd performance.

I prefer the second segment. It has a lot of great dark humor, and its ending is truly sad.

The third part is the least interesting, and unfortunately, it’s also the most important, given that it ties into what’s going on in the present.

Even though the ending is a bit weak, the episode is still quite strong. There are a lot of interesting sci-fi ideas, and it’s neat the different emotions the story pulls from those.

