Columbo episode review — 11.2— No Time to Die

Original air date: February 15, 1992
Director: Alan J. Levi
Writer: Robert van Scoyk (story by Ed McBain)

Rating: 6/10

This episode really doesn’t feel like an episode of Columbo. For one, it doesn’t actually revolve around a murder, but instead a kidnapping. And because of that, there are more cops involved. You see, Columbo’s nephew, Andy (Thomas Calabro), also a detective, just got married to Melissa (Joanna Going), who has just started becoming popular as a model. We see all the stuff with the wedding reception, and Columbo meeting family and friends, having a gay old time.

When the newlyweds get back to their hotel room, Andy takes a shower, and when he’s out, his wife is missing. All hands are on deck for this one, since a bunch of police officers and detectives are already at the hotel.

The kidnapper is an obsessed fan, Strassa (Daniel McDonald). He’s genuinely frightening.

There isn’t too much escalation to the plot and the ending is disappointing, but I did enjoy the episode as a nice little change of pace.

