Columbo episode review — 9.5 — Uneasy Lies the Crown


Original air date: April 28, 1990
Director: Alan J. Levi
Writer: Steven Bochco

Rating: 6/10

This is one of the better episodes of the revival of the series, though it still of course does not compare with the best episodes of the original run. The mystery is actually very compelling, and the crime is quite complicated.

The murderer here is a dentist to the stars, which allows for some cameos by a lot of people I’ve never really heard of. I guess the Columbo target audience in 1990 was a bit of an older crowd.

Falk is as charming as ever, of course. But though I find the setup to this story really neat, I don’t think it goes anywhere too interesting. The best Columbo episodes don’t just have great mystery plots or great guest performances (the latter lacking here); they have great scenes. Scenes of tension, with Falk going toe-to-toe with other excellent actors. This episode doesn’t really have that.

