Friday the 13th: The Series episode review — 1.5 — Hellowe’en

Original air date: October 31, 1987
Director: Timothy Bond
Writer: William Taub

Rating: 6/10

So our main characters are throwing a Halloween party at the store, and while this sounds like an awful idea, Ryan assures Micki that he set up some barricades so no one can get to the room that keeps all the cursed stuff.

Of course, a couple of party guests still get up to some trouble, though at first it doesn’t seem like much of a deal.

After messing around with an object or two, they summon the spirit of Uncle Lewis, though he only shows up after all the guests leave. Ryan and Micki give him some shit for having to clean up after his mistakes, but he tells them that he only has a limited time back, and that he wants to use this time to atone for the death of his wife, for which he blames himself.

Lewis eventually materializes and takes a medallion from them, leaving them for dead locked in a secret room. All this happens when Jack is locked outside or something. Again, I continue to have no idea what role he has in this show.

Ryan and Micki are able to get out of the secret room, and they research the medallion/amulet thing, and apparently it has something to do with bringing people back to life.

But apparently he needs somebody’s body, and a relatively fresh corpse at that.

So yes, this episode is certainly stupid, and it doesn’t have a very well structured script. But I did find myself enjoying it far more than any episode since the first one. I’m a sucker for all the Halloween imagery of course, and I like the way everything is lit.

The story is nothing special, the cursed object isn’t an object so much as it is a ghost materializing itself (I guess there is the amulet, so whatever). But it’s a fun enough episode of television.

