Friday the 13th: The Series episode review — 1.6— The Great Montarro

Original air date: November 7, 1987
Director: Richard Friedman
Writer: Durnford King

Rating: 6/10

Though I’m only a few episodes in and I never really had any expectations for this show to begin with, I feel like I can safely say that it’s not any kind of hidden gem or anything like that. It’s decent television at best, and considering I’m also currently watching the Columbo revival from roughly the same time period, this may be the lamest era for television out there.

That having been said, this is probably my favourite episode since the first one. It is nothing special, but the magician competition setting is pretty fun.

I like the cursed object here, as well. It’s a box that kills people inside a magic trick. Makes sense.

There’s even a pretty clever twist in the story, too. The episode doesn’t go quite the way you expect it to. And there’s a nice death.

It’s entertaining, but nothing spectacular.

