Monk episode review — 6.14 — Mr. Monk Paints His Masterpiece

Original air date: February 1, 2008
Director: Andrei Belgrader
Writer: Jon Wurster

Rating: 8/10

Dr. Kroger tells Monk that he needs a hobby, so he decides to take up painting. His paintings aren’t particularly good, as he’s only interested in creating symmetrical images that satisfy his OCD. He finds everything else distasteful.

But he’s somehow good enough to get a buyer, played by the wonderful Peter Stormare.

Throughout the course of the episode, Monk becomes increasingly more of an art snob, but of course we all know that he’s just pretending, so this is pretty fun.

Of course, it’s not hard to imagine that the art buyer is actually the villain here, and Monk’s paintings are somehow crucial evidence, but this episode isn’t so much about the story. It is quite funny, though.

