Movie Review: 2001 Maniacs (2005)


It’s The Texas Chain Saw Massacre meets Deliverance meets Gone with the Wind meets American Pie. Once I realized what exactly this movie was, it was actually much better than I would have expected. But I expected it to be terrible, so whatever.

The basic premise is that a bunch of Yanks end up in a small town in the South that throws a party for them, only to eventually kill them. That’s fine. It’s dumb, but it’s fine. Except it’s incredibly lazy with the setup.

The three main characters are on spring break and just kind of stay there because there are some hot girls.

Other people show up as well, including two hot girls and one guy, who decide to stay because the others stay. And then later a black guy and his “Chinagirl” girlfriend (who I don’t even think really looked all that Asian to be honest) stop by. We don’t really know anything about them.

In regards to the setup, too, it opens with a scene in a college lecture on the brutality of Sherman’s March, and three students (the three main characters) have to stay after as the professor (Peter Stormare) lectures them about how they don’t take the class seriously, and that they need to write…

