Movie Review: A Field in England (2013)

I was disappointed in this movie. It’s set during my favorite period in history: the English Civil War.

Ben Wheatley’s film is very stipped-down visually. While some will definitely enjoy that, I didn’t, and instead found it irritatint to look at. Most of the shots were pretty unengaging, and once anything creative happened, it was almost nausea-inducing. The film started with a warning that there were strobing effects, and while there wasn’t a whole lot of that, it didn’t really do much to create any sort of mood of dread; it was just ugly to look at.

This movie has some twists and turns, and it’s by no means a traditional or predictable story. Still, I didn’t find it all that engaging. The film didn’t really take advantage of its period setting to create any interesting visuals or conflict.

Rating: 4/10

