Movie Review: Aftershock (1990)

This movie’s really a massive disappointment for me and sure, maybe I shouldn’t have expected much. But when the cast includes John Saxon, Russ Tamblyn, Michael Berryman, Richard Lynch, and one of my favorite B-movie-scream-queen-types in Elizabeth Kaitan.

I never would have imagined that the cast is sort of the problem, actually. Well, first off, Elizabeth Kaitan is just awful. When I say I love this woman, it has little to do with her acting. She plays an alien who learns our language as the movie goes on, but her performance doesn’t really capture this too well.

But as for the other prominent B-movie actors, they’re all pretty minor roles. Russ Tamblyn has like one scene. Michael Berryman has one scene (possibly the best scene of the movie). Richard Lynch doesn’t have much to do. The only one of these who manages to be pretty compelling is John Saxon, who plays one of the many villains.

So it’s disappointing on that level. And I suppose it could have made up for it all with some solid, compelling action, but that’s not really what we get here.

Rating: 3/10

